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Department of Information Technology


Prof and Head

HOD Message

Welcome to the Department of Information Technology of Mailam, the top Information Technology College in Tamil Nadu. The Department of Information Technology was established in the year 2001. The department offers the program in B.Tech. Information Technology, making it the best BTech Information Technology College in Tamil Nadu. The primary focus of the department is offering quality and relevant academic programmes with in-depth acquisition of technical skills and research knowledge in both the theoretical and practical aspects.

We encourage our students to evolve with technology to meet the demands of the present IT industry. The department employs well-qualified faculty members with many years of academic and practical experience, making it the best BTech Information Technology College in Tamil Nadu. In addition, the department has laboratory facilities that are furnished with high-quality state-of-the-art computer systems facilitating students to engage in cutting–edge research activities that span a diversity of areas.

The department focuses on providing students with high-quality education by imparting strong technical skills through experienced and highly qualified faculty members. The department aims to empower students to excel in the ever-changing IT industry by organizing various Seminars, Workshops, Guest lectures and skill development programs through eminent Academic and Industry Experts.


Advanced laboratories with State-of-the-Art facilities

MoU with TATA strive for GOOGLE career certificate scholarship programme

Highly qualified and experienced faculty members

Eminent Alumni support for career guidance

Industry –Institution interaction by regularly organizing seminar, workshop and guest lecture

Internship and Value-Added Program support to upgrade technical skills

Department Vision

Transforming student’s life through futuristic development and leading them into successful engineers/technologists, conscious of human values and environment, complete in skills, which would be the torchbearers for the emerging technology and thereby achieve excellence in every endeavour.

Department Mission

To produce creative and technically strong engineers providing pioneering solutions to global challenges through research and to integrate character, ethical and moral values along with professionalism


Demonstrate technical competence with analytical and critical thinking to understand and meet the diversified requirements of  industry, academia and research.

Exhibit technical leadership, team skills and entrepreneurship skills to provide business solutions to real world problems.

Work in multi-disciplinary industries with social and environmental responsibility, work ethics and adaptability to address complex engineering and social problems.

Pursue lifelong learning, use cutting edge technologies and involve in applied research to design optimal solutions.

Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)

PO1-Engineering Knowledge

Engineering Knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.

Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyse complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.

PO7-Environment and Sustainability

Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.

Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.

Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Programme Outcome (PO)

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)


Have proficiency in programming skills to design, develop and apply appropriate techniques, to solve complex engineering problems.

Have knowledge to build, automate and manage business solutions using cutting edge technologies.

Have excitement towards research in applied computer technologies.

Job Opportunities

Web Application Developer

Network Engineer

Mobile App Developer

Data scientist

Cybersecurity Analyst

Business Analyst

Forensic Computer Analyst

Database Administrator

Application Manager

Network Administrator

Lab Infrastructure Facilities

Top Information Technology College in Tamil Nadu computer laboratory has capacity of more than 60 computers that work with 200mbps leased line connections and supported by 2 servers.

Co-Curricular Activities

S.NO. Name of the student Year Prize /Cash Event Name Programme Name College Name Date
1 Vignesh S III Mouse
(1st Prize)
Technical Quiz National Level Technical Symposium University college of Engneering, Tindivanam 21.09.2022
2 Surendhar R III Pendrive
(1st Prize)
Technical Quiz National Level Technical Symposium University college of Engneering, Tindivanam 21.09.2022
3 Vetrivelmani R III KeyBoard
(1st Prize)
Wepify National Level Technical Symposium University college of Engneering, Tindivanam 21.09.2022
4 Mahalakshmi D III (1st Prize) Photography National Level Technical Symposium CK College Cuddalore 1.10.2022
5 Govindharagahrigaran M III (2nd Prize) Photography National Level Technical Symposium CK College Cuddalore 1.10.2022
6 Ragunath S.M IV Mouse
(1st Prize)
Project Expo National Level Technical Symposium University college of Engneering, Tindivanam 21.09.2022
7 Rajesh G IV Pendrive
(2st Prize)
Project Expo National Level Technical Symposium University college of Engneering, Tindivanam 21.09.2022
8 Saraswathi S II (1st Prize) Blind Fold National Level Technical Symposium University college of Engneering, Tindivanam 21.09.2022
9 Sethupriyanka S II (1st Prize) Blind Fold National Level Technical Symposium University college of Engneering, Tindivanam 21.09.2022
10 1.S.Tamilarasan
III (3rd Prize) C Collesium National Level Technical Festivel Mitilence 2020 Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology, Puducherry 14.02.2020
11 1.S.Tamilarasan
III Rs 500/- Market a Product National Level Technical Festivel Mitilence 2020 Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology, Puducherry 10.02.2020
12 S. Tamilarasan III Rs 1000/- CoDER BYTES National Level Technical Symposium-FLABBERGAST’17 Adhiparasakthi Engineering College 28.01.2020
13 Gangabhavanan III 1st prize FRAME FRONTEND National Level Technical “HIKOHIKO 2k19 UCET Thindivanam 12.08.2019
14 Prakash III 2nd prize TECH QUIZ National Level Technical “HIKOHIKO 2k19 UCET Thindivanam 20.09.2019
15 S.Vignesh III Rs 5000/-(1st Prize) Project Competition Project Competition Mailam Engineering College, Villupuram 18.03.2019
16 1. Prakash
2. Bhuvanesh
III 1st prize CRYPTONIX National Level Technical” AGNIMITHRA 2k19 UCEV Villupuram 15.03.2019 to 16.03.2019
17 S. Vignesh III Rs.3000/- 1st prize Builder App Project Competition Sri Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology, Puducherry 15.09.2018
18 1. Ompragash
2. R.Aravindhan
3rd year Rs 500/- Blind Coding POINTERS 2K18 Arunai Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai 07.09.2018
19 Omprakash II First place DOTZ v7.0 Code chef University college of Engineering Tindivanam 05.09.2018
20 B.Aathirai II Rs.1000/- Paper Presentation National Level Technical Symposium SRM Engineering college 15.02.2018

Students won prizes in Various National Level Technical Symposium

University Rank Holders

S.No. Name Batch Rank Photo
1 SARANYA 2011-2015 40 saranya img
2 VISHNU PRIYA J 2013-2017 18 img
3 JOTHI SRI D 2015-2019 14 img

Faculty Publications

Faculty Journal Publications

  • Archanadevi, C.Ramya ” Modish Mechanism For Safeguarding Women By Incorporating IOT Technology with Machine Learning Techniques, IJMTE, 451702249-7455.
  • Sathiya, A.Karthikeyan, A Novel Deep Learning- Based approach for Recognizing Pine Tree Ailment Featuring Multi-Spectral Imagery”, IJMTE, August, 232249-7455
  • Gajendiran, D Elantamilan, Subbiah Swaminathan, K Pradheep Kumar,An Artificial Neural Network Based Iris Authentication Using Back Propagation,Journal of Green Engineering,2020,1904-4720.
  • Artheeswari , P.V.Pramila ,G.Kalyan Kumar, D Vinod,An Improved Digital Image Identification System for Face Recognition Using Computer Vision for Green Communication,Journal of Green Engineering,44105,2245-4586.
  • Kalaivany, B Baranidharan,T.Vignesh ,K. Dhinakaran,Effective Lung Cancer Identification with Fuzzy Cluster using support Vector Machine,Journal of Green Engineering,44105,2245-4586.
  • Loganathan, R.Gajendiran, M.Ramalingam, V.Mathavan,Deep, Convolutional Neural Network for Lung Nodule Detection from Computed Tomography images,Solid State Technology,2020,0038-111X
  • Artheeswari S, Kalaivany S, Skin Lesion Segmentation and Classification Model using Optimal Shannon Entropy with Artificial Neural Network, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology,2020,2005-4238.
  • Kalaivany S. Artheeswari S.,Towards the prediction of Financial Block Chain Products using Generative Adversial Networls,International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology,2020,2005-4238.
  • Ramalinagam, D.Gomathi, R.Shankarram,A Framework For Road Transportation Modern Pedestrian Using Solar Energy, International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology,44105,1330-1338.

Patent Publication

S.NO. Title of the invention Application No Publication Date Link
1 Advanced Security Surveillance System
with Deep Learning-based Intrusion Detection and Recognition
202341038227A 30-06-2023 View
2 Intelligent Real-Time Sensor’s and Iot
Based Smart Home Applications
202241058186A 18-11-2022 View
3 Cloud Computing Assessment System for
Android Applications using AI and ML
202241008080A 04-03-2022 View

Industrial Visit

S.NO. Name of the Company Date
1 Tech. volt Software Pvt. Ltd., Coimbatore 30-09-23
2 Tech. volt Software Pvt. Ltd., Coimbatore 19-10-22
3 BSNL, Trichy 28-11-22
4 Shalom Infotech, Trichy 11-05-22
5 2CodeBind Technologies, Trichy 31-03-23

Highest Placement Package

S.NO. Name of the Student Company Name Package Photo
1 N.Vignesh Amazon, Bangalore Rs.33,00,000/- img
2 K. Harsihni Intellipat Rs. 9,00,000/- img


S.NO. Name of the Company Durations Activities Date of MoU
1 Nexgen Technology Software Solutions 3 Years Training / Internships / Workshops/ Value Added programs 29.01.2024
2 Institute of Industrial Design – Salem 3 Years Training / Internships / Industrial visit 20.11.2023
3 GS Informatics – Villupuram 3 Years Research Guidance / Internships / Industrial visit / Special Lectures 07.12.2023
4 Techvolt Software Private Ltd. – Coimbatore 5 Years Training / Internships / Industrial visit 30.09.2023
5 Code Bind Technologies – Trichy 5 Years Internship and Value added programs 31.03.2023
6 TATA STRIVE 2 Years Google Scholarship Program 22.06.2022
7 Deccan iServices Pvt.Ltd. – Chennai 3 Years Internship/FDP/ Conference /Workshop/ Placement Training 02.11.2021
8 Annexmed Pvt. Ltd., 3 Years Internship/FDP/ Conference /Workshop/ Placement Training 01.11.2021
9 Foursteps Training Solutions 3 Years FDP/Seminar/Workshops 01.11.2021
10 Imarticus Learning Pvt. Ltd. 3 years Workshops, and Training Programs 12.10.2020

Events / Activities

The Department of Information Technology organizes an Alumni Talk Entitled "21 st Century Employability Skills” by
 Mr. G.Ajith, System Engineering, Tata Consultancy services-Chennai on 06.09.2024.

Value Added Courses

S.NO. Title Date Resource Person
1 Next Generation Networks 05-07-23 To 11-07-23 S.Sujitha, Network Analyst, HCL Technologies.
2 A Vision of Industry 4.0 – Artificial intelligence 02-01-23 To 07-01-23 Dr.B.Ezhilavan, Founder & COE, VEI Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Chennai.
3 Data Science with Python 3.1.22 TO 8.1.22 Ms. D.Jothisri, System Engineer, TCS
4 Recent Trends in Web Technology 3.1.22 TO 8.1.22 P.Kumaravel, Technical lead, Crayond Digital Pvt Ltd
5 Machine Learning 13.12.21-18.12.21 Mr.Vignesh.N, Software Development Engineer, Amazon.


S.NO. Date Title Resource Person
1 18-10-23 To 19-10-23 Front End Development and Training Mr.G.Janakiraman, Front End Developer, Beasant Technology.
2 24-11-22 TO 26-11-22 Machine Learning and Neural Networks Dr.M.Sivakumar, HOD/CSE, K. Ramakrishna College of Technology Trichy
3 30-03-23 TO 31-03-23 R&D Bootcamp Skill Lync Dr.S.RajaRaajeswari, Senior Associate, Skill Lync
4 24.08.2022 to 26.08.2022 Exploring Advanced Research Methods in Network Security Mr.Senthilkumar Natesan, EBIX CASH Software Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore

Alumni Talk /Seminar

S.NO. Name of the Event Date Title Resource Person
1 Alumni seminar 10-10-23 Current era in Computer Networking Ms. I. Ayesha, Network Administrator, Tata Consultancy Services.
2 Alumni Seminar 14-10-23 Full Stack Web Development – Bridging the Gap between Back End and Front-End Architecture Mr.P.Kumaravel, Tech. Lead, Cryon’d Digital Pvt. Ltd.
3 Alumni Talk 27-03-23 Guidelines to Succeed in an Interview Panel Mr.S.Gowtham, Front-End Developer, Wipro, Chennai
4 Alumni Talk 29-10-22 Opportunities in Multinational Company Ms.Kavitha Raja, System Engineer, Tata Consultancy Services
5 Alumni Talk 26-11-22 Career Guidance Scope in IT Ms.A.L.Akshatha, Senior HR Executive, Indium Software

Guest Lecture

S.NO. Title Date Resource Person
1 Foundations of Data Science 17-10-23 Dr.C.Deepa, Asso. Professor & Head, Dept. of AIDS, KIT – Kalaingar Karunanithi Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
2 Data Science and its Applications 29.11.22 Dr.A.Kumaresan, Assistant Professor, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai
3 Information Security 02.05.23 Dr.R.Sendhil, Assistant Professor, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai
4 Data Communication and Networking 24-09-21 Dr.P. SANJU, Professor, Department of CSE, University college of Engineering, Tindivanam.
5 Bigdata Analytics Using Tableau 19-03-21 Dr.C. DHAYA, Professor and Head, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Adhiparasakthi Engineering College.
6 Computational Intelligence 27-03-21 Mr.D.Hari, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Dr.Mahalinagam College of Engineering and Technology
7 Mobile devices forensics and Tools of Computer Forensics 05-04-21 Mr.S.Noorul Hassan, Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology, Arunai Engineering College