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Department of Information Technology

About the Information Technology


  • To educated the students about the importance of software in the current competitive world.
  • To equip the students so as to improve the both their technical and knowledge as well as moral values.
  • To motivate the students to be innovative in the field of Information Technology.
  • To enhance the career opportunities of the students by enriching both their aptitude and communication skills.


Transforming student’s life through futuristic development and leading them into successful engineers/technologists, conscious of human values and environment, complete in skills, which would be the torchbearers for the emerging technology and thereby achieve excellence in every endeavor.


Our mission is to produce creative and technically strong engineers providing pioneering solutions to global challenges through research and to integrate character, ethical and moral values along with professionalism.

Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)


HOD for IT

Welcome Message

Today we find that information technology has become overwhelmingly pervasive, while its parent, computing science, has become correspondingly hard to find. While many CS educational institutions have shifted focus from core CS and become specialty providers for the IT industry, or else please permit me to say these mass producers of vocationally trained personnel, a few institutions continue to emphasis the pristine science underlying the diverse aspects of computing. This is the single most important attribute of the education offered here. Our department has remained true to the vision on which it was founded.

There are several ways to present the canonical core of computer science. Over the years we have developed a distinct style and method that bridges the theory – practice divide while remaining grounded in the core. Technology changes rapidly, especially in the field of computing, whereas the science, if it changes at all, does so much more gradually. Our understanding is that persons who are clear and thorough about the fundamentals can adapt to rapid changes in technology relatively easily. We want the education imparted to our students to be the basis of a life time of learning.

Our Department has produced hundreds of professionals and has established a name for itself in the country and abroad. They have consistently excelled in the highly competitive industrial environment, Best Employer/ awards in top-ranking companies. I attribute this success to the winning combination of a dedicated faculty that works hard at imparting quality education, a well-planned syllabus and last but not least, our students.

Learning is a continuous process and does not end with the acquisition of a degree, especially because steady and rapid advances in computing technologies shorten the life of tools and techniques prevalent today. Therefore we do not aim to make our students walking manuals of any language or package. Instead, they are given a strong foundation in computer science and problem-solving techniques, and are made adaptable to changes.

We believe that this approach to teaching-learning, coupled with practical experience gained during Industrial Training in reputed organizations, equips our students to handle the challenges posed by the software industry. I am confident that you will find our students worthy of your organization.

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO1: Engineering knowledge:
Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.

Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.

PO7: Environment and sustainability:

Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.

Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.

Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

Courses Offered
Scope of the Programmes

UG (Bachelor of Information Technology)

Department of Information Technology is started in the year in 2001, in Mailam Engineering College, Mailam with the necessary infrastructure, technically trained faculties and a rich repository of digital education resources. We conduct expositions, activities and competitions to promote the use of IT. Programmes have also been conducted in collaboration with schools, professional bodies and private companies with a view to prepare our students for the information age.

The term ‘information technology’ (IT) evolved in 1970s. Information Technology is a wide and varied sector, and is represented in some form in almost all the industries. It is a blend of computers and communication technology where IT professionals perform variety of duties, ranging from development and installation of applications to designing complex computer networks and databases. The IT industry consists of computers, communication mediums, peripherals, electronics-related organizations, software and services. Usage of information technology for the completion of tasks in any organization, speeds up the processing and information mobility, and also improves the reliability and integrity of information. Information technology is related to studying, designing and developing information related to computers. This field is growing at a very fast pace over the last few years and according to successful and well-known people in the IT sector, this growth is expected to remain stable. Due to the robust growth, millions of jobs have been created in this field. However, it is very essential for us to understand and notify the importance of information technology to the students.

The software applications and the hardware devices are known to be the main elements of the use of information technology. The web browsers, the operating systems, ERP’s and special purpose applications are the software which is used in information technology. IT plays an important role in easily solving the mathematical problems and in the project management system. It has a great use in the automated production of sensitive information, automated up gradation of the important business processes and the automated streamlining of the various business processes. It has also played an important role in the areas of communication and automated administration of entire systems.

Department activities

SAIT Inauguration

The Inaugural of Students Association of Information Technology was conducted on 24 Aug 2016. Mr.Yadhindhran Malli Mothilal, Shift Lead-Information Security Analyst, The World Bank Group, inaugurated the SAT function.

He delivered a valuable address on Network Security, Information Security and Cyber Security Technology. He advised students to do projects on Information Security. Also he insisted the students to involve themselves in more co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. Also he advised them to join in Network Security jobs since there are more opportunities in this field.

Mr.Yadhindhran Malli Mothilal, Shift Lead-Information Security Analyst, The World Bank Group, inaugurating the SAT function. Dr. S. Senthil, Principal, MEC and Dean Dr. R. Rajappan look on

Dr. S. Senthil, Principal, MEC welcomes the chief guest Dr.J.Balamurugan, Ph.D., Principal, Padaleesuwarar Polytechnic college, Cuddalore during MEC-ProEx 2016

Mec-proex 2016 A State Level Inter Polytechnic Project Competition

MEC-Pro Ex 2016 AState Level Inter Polytechnic Project competition was held on 11 Mar 2016. Dr.J.Balamurugan, Ph.D., Principal, Padaleesuwarar Polytechnic college, Cuddalore was the chief guest and delivered a valuable address on developing innovative projects. Also he advised the students to involve in more R&D activities and learn the theories through practical approach. 210 students from various polytechnic colleges, in and around Tamilnadu and Puducherry, participated in the competition. Professors from various departments of polytechnic colleges acted as juries. Department-wise first prize of Rs.5000, second prize of Rs.3000 and Third prize of Rs.2000 were awarded to the best three projects.

Android 2016. A Project Competition

Android 2016 A Project competition was held on 2 Apr 2016. Mr.G.Venkatesh, Assistant General Manager, ICT Academy, Chennai was the chief guest, and he delivered valuable address on the need of information security and its advantages. Around 280 batches of students from MEC, SMVEC and MIT participated with innovative Android projects. Students were awarded with cash prize of Rs.10000 (first) as Rs.7500 (second) and Rs.5000 (third) forthe best three projects.

Internal Symposium 2016

Internal Symposium was conducted on 26 Mar 2016 on the title “Advanced Technologies in Information Technology”. Students of II, III and IV years presented papers on various topics. Certificate of Merit was awarded for l, II and III prize winners for each section.

Students Activities

Industrial Visit

Students of III year went for an Industrial visit to HCL, Vadapalani on 27 Aug 2015. Students learned developing of real time projects relating to web design, web hosting, web domain and Flash. Also the Developers demonstrated examples for hosting a web.Students of II Yr went for an Industrial visit to BSNL, Meenambakkam on 3 Sep 2015. Students learned the communication technologies and how the telecommunication happens in the Telephone Exchange System. Selvi.B.Subhashini of III Yr participated in paper presentation at V.R.S College of Engineering , Villupuram held on 9 Sep 2015. Selvi.R.Praveena of III Yr participated in Debugging at V.R.S College of Engineering, Villupuram held on 9 Sep 2015. Selvan.C.Suresh & Selvi.J.Vishnupriya of IV Yr published their research paper in Vol. 3, Issue of International Journal of Advent Research in Computer & Electronics (e-ISSSN 234805523). Selvi .J .Vishnupriya , Selvi .B.Subashini, Selvi.M.N.VKrishnabhargavi, Selvi.R.Vinothini of III Yr won consolation prize in “Big Data Competition” at Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College, Pondicherry held on 19 Mar 2016. Selvi.J.Vishnupriya of III Yr won First Prize in “Soft Designing” at ICON2K16 a technical symposium at Pondicherry Engineering College held during 7 & 8 Mar 2016. Selvi.V.Agila of III Yr won Second prize in “Soft Designing” at ICON2K16 a technical symposium at Pondicherry Engineering College held during 7 & 8 Mar 2016. Selvi.R. Praveena, Selvan.V.Baskaran and Selvan.N.Dhineshkumar of III Yr won Second Prize in the event “Project Display’ organized during orbitce 2K15 at SSN College of Engineering held on 31 Aug 2015. Selvan V.Baskaran of third year won first prize for the project “Child Rescue system from Unclosed Borewell ” in SAI TECHGRAIL 2k16 Project competition held at Sai Ram Engineering College one April 2016. Selvan.V.Baskaran of III Yr won first prize for the project “Child Rescue system from Unclosed Borewell” in “Blackswan2K16”, a Project competition held at K.Ramakrishnan College ofTechnology on 31 Mar 2016. Selvi.M.N.V.Krishnabhargavi, Selvi.B.Subhashini of III Yr won first prize in “Cloud Computing Project Contest” held at Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology, Pondicherry on 29 Jan 2016. Selvi.B.Subashini and Selvi.R. Vinothini of III Yr won Third Prize in “Mission to Mars”, a discussion event held at Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology, Pondicherry on 25 Jan 2016. Selvi.S.Abinaya of III Yr won Consolation prize in Tamil elocution Competition” held at Sri Ram llakkiya Kazhagam, Chennai on 23 Aug 2015 Selvi.S.Abinaya of III Yr won third prize in “Web design” held at Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology, Pondicherry on August 2015. Selvi.S.Dhivya lakshmi & Selvi.K. Nandhini of II Yr won second prize in “Paper Presentation” held at Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology on 23 Mar2016.

Know More

R&D and Lab Facilities

The following AICTE proposals have sent to AICTE for the academic year 2012 – 2013,


Developing Semantic Access control in Semantic web Services


Innovation in software architecture and software testing

Cloud computing & Green computing: a green vision


Soft Computing – A research perspective

Semantic Web Security Services

Information security in network


Modernization of service oriented architecture lab

Qualnet network simulator – to modernize computer networking lab

Quad rotor simulator– to modernize computer graphics lab

Emerging Trends In Automobile Design

The Department of Mechanical Engineering organized a one Day Webinar on “Mechatronics’’ programme on 30th September 2023. During this program chief guest gave lecture on latest trends on Mechatronics Engineering.

Lab Facilities

Student Activities

Students Activities 2021


  1. Students of II, III and IV year students has participated a Seminar on “Importance of Designing User Interface” organized by Information Technology at Mailam Engineering College on 12.4.2021.
  2. Students of II, III and IV year students has participated a Seminar on “Block Chain Technology” organized by Information Technology at Mailam Engineering College on 30.7.2021.

Course Completion

  1. SOMASUNDARAM R, UDHAYASANKAR M of III year has completed course titled “Passive Income Through Web Development” organized by i5certi5 from 1.2.2021 to 1.3.2021
  2. MAHALAKSHMI R of II year has completed the course titled “Python for Beginners” organized by SoloLearn on 3.4.2021
  3. MAHALAKSHMI D & SURENDHAR R of II year has completed the course titled “Programming Essentials in Python” organized by Python Institute on 4.4.2021
  4. BRINDHA A of IV Year has completed a certification course titled Computer Programming Lesson in 24 Hours organized by Guvi on 24.4.2021 & 25.4.2021
  5. PARKAVI A of IV Year has completed a certification course titled Computer Programming Lesson in 24 Hours organized by Guvi on 24.4.2021 & 25.4.2021
  6. RANJITH K of IV Year has completed a certification course titled Python 3.x – Programming Course (Hands-On) organized by Skill Rack on 31.5.2021
  7. SOMASUNDARAM R of III year has completed course titled “Game Development using PyGame” on 11.5.2021 organized by GUVI
  8. JAYAPRAKASH R of IV Year has completed a certification course titled SQL Basics organized by Skill Rack on 30.5.2021
  9. JAYAPRAKASH R of IV Year has completed a certification course titled C-Arithmetic Operators organized by Skill Rack on 1.6.2021
  10. RANJANI B of IV Year has completed a certification course titled Python 3.x – Programming Course (Hands-On) organized by Skill Rack on 1.6.2021
  11. PARKAVI A of IV Year has completed a certification course titled Java Basics – Programming Course(Hands On) organized by Skill Rack on 1.6.2021
  12. BRINDHA A of IV Year has completed a certification course titled Data Structure – C – Course (Hands-On) organized by Skill Rack on 9.6.2021
  13. PARKAVI A of IV Year has completed a certification course titled Python 3.x – Programming Course (Hands-On) organized by Skill Rack on 2.6.2021
  14. PARKAVI A of IV Year has completed a certification course titled SQL Basics (Standard) organized by Skill Rack on 2.6.2021
  15. JAYAPRAKASH R of IV Year has completed a certification course titled Python 3.x – 50 very Easy Challenges organized by Skill Rack on 2.6.2021
  16. PARKAVI A of IV Year has completed a certification course titled Data Structure – C – Course (Hands On) organized by Skill Rack on 7.6.2021
  17. PARKAVI A of IV Year has completed a certification course titled C – Programming Course (Hands On) organized by Skill Rack on 7.6.2021
  18. JAYAPRAKASH R & GOPINATH D of IV Year has completed a certification course titled Machine Learning organized by Sololearn on 31.7.2021
  19. RAMESH B & JAYAPRAKASH R of IV Year has completed a certification course titled Data Science and Big Data Analytics organized by ICT Academy on 16.9.2021
  20. KOKILA V of IV Year has completed a certification course titled Data Science and Big Data Analytics organized by ICT Academy on 16.9.2021
  21. ANBARASAN M, KISHORE KUMAR S of III year has completed a certification course titled Career Edge – Young Professional organized by TCS iON from 18.11.2021 to 28.12.2021
  22. MAHALAKSHMI D & SURENDHAR R of II year has completed the course titled “Cybersecurity Essentials” organized by CISCO on 3.8.2021

Certificate of Achievement

  1. GOPINATH D of IV Year Cleared the assessment for the skill Python(Basic) organized by HackerRank on 8.9.2021
  2. DEEPA A, SARATHI R of II year & SHARMILA E, RESHMA S A, BOOMIKA T of III year got first prize & cash award of Rs.1000 for “Info Tech Contest” from 25.10.2021 to 1.11.2021 organized by Information Technology at Mailam Engineering College
  3. SARATHI R, ARUN A, VISHNUVARADHAN S of II Year & ANBARASAN M, KIRUTHIGA P, TAMIZHSELVI S of III year got Second prize & cash award of Rs.750 for “Info Tech Contest” from 25.10.2021 to 1.11.2021 organized by Information Technology at Mailam Engineering College.
  4. ZAID SHEIK N, VISHNU V, SAMSATH J of II year & KEERTHIGA B, YASARARAFATH S of III year got Third prize & cash award of Rs.500 for “Info Tech Contest” from 25.10.2021 to 1.11.2021 organized by Information Technology at Mailam Engineering College.


  1. SHALINI SNEGA of III year has completed Internship Course titled “Digital Marketing and its Influence on Brand Switching” organized by TCSiON on from 10.12.2020 to 3.1.2021
  2. TAMIZHSELVI S & ANBARASAN M of III year has completed Remote Internship for 45 hours in project titled “Design Document for a Responsive Question Creation Web App with plagiarism Check” organized by TCSiON from 15.12.2020 to 12.1.2021
  3. TAMIZHSELVI S of III year has completed Internship Course titled “Design Document for a responsive question creation web app with plagiarism” organized by TCSiON on from 15.12.2020 to 12.1.2021
  4. ANBARASAN M, RAJARAM S, SHARMILA E, KEERTHIGA B of III year has completed Remote Internship for 45 hours in project titled “Web Page UI Design” organized by TCSiON from 14.1.2021 to 24.2.2021
  5. KOKILA V of IV year & Vignesh V, ANBARASAN M, ARAVIND RAJ A, YASAR ARAFATH S, JEEVA A, KISHOREKUMAR S, ABISHEK G, SATHISHKUMAR B of III year has completed Internship course titled Passive Income through Web Development organized by i5certi5 from 1.2.2021 to 1.3.2021


  1. All the Final year & Third year students have participated 3 days workshop titled “Awareness of Emerging Technology” organized by Spark Academy from 1.3.2021 to 3.3.2021 at Mailam Engineering College.
  2. GOKULNATH K of III year has participated in “Natonal Level Workshop on Artificial Intelligence” on 30.4.2021 to 1.5.2021 organized by Pantech e Learning.
  3. All the IV year students have participated 3 days workshop titled “Network Security” organized by Information Technology from 24.8.2021 to 26.8.2021 at Mailam Engineering College.

Extra Curricular Activities

  1. GOPINATH D of IV year has participated Tech Big Code Gladiators 2021 organized by Cogizant Technologies
  2. JAYAPRAKASH R, RANJITH K, BRINDHA A of IV Year has participated NeuralHack 2021 Season 5 organized by Virtusa.
  3. JAYAPRAKASH R & RANJITH K of IV Year has participated NeuralHack 2021 Season 5 organized by Virtusa.
  4. JAYAPRAKASH R of IV Year Completed the course Google Analytics for Beginners.
  5. AJAY K of IV Year has participated Quiz organized by Wipro Earthian Sustainability Quiz, 7th Edition
  6. PARKAVI A & GOPINATH D of IV Year has participated workshop in Power Excel organized by LUDIFU on July 2021
  7. AJAY E of IV year has participated QUIZ on “Microsoft AI Classroom Series” organized by Microsoft on 15.3.2021
  8. NANDHINI of III year has participated Covid19 Pandemic Awareness online QUIZ organized by Institutions Innovation Council of J.K.K Nataraja College of Pharmacy, in association with Indian Pharmaceutical Association Bhavani Kumarapalayam Local Branch on 26.4.2021
  9. NANDHINI of III year has participated National Level Quiz on Entrepreneurship Development organized by Department of Commerce on 24.4.2021
  10. BRABHAKARAN V of III year has completed the course titled “Augmented Reality” organized by Symposium IIT Mumbai on June 2021
  11. BRABHAKARAN V of III year has completed the course titled “Virtual Reality” organized by Symposium IIT Mumbai on July 2021
  12. BRABHAKARAN V of III year has completed the course titled “Machine Learning Image Processing and Computer Vision” organized by Symposium IIT Mumbai on June 2021
  13. NETHAJI S of IV year has completed the course titled “SQL Projects for Beginners” organized by Great Learning Academy on July 2021
  14. NETHAJI S of IV year has completed the course titled “Python for Machine Learning” organized by Great Learning Academy on October 2021

Students Activities 2020

Online Course,Webinar and Event On Lockdown

  • Selvi. J. Nandhini of III Yr.  has  completed  the  course  of  study  in  “Basics of Computer Science Professional certificate course” and “Software Testing Professional Diploma Program”  organized  by  European Open University on 20.02.2021.
  • Selvi. S. Tamizhselvi of III Yr.  has attended  the  Internship Program  titled “Design Document for a Responsive Question Creation Web App with Plagiarism Check” offered  by TCS iON from 15.12.2020 to 12.01.2021.
  • Selvi. A. Brindha of   III Yr.  has attended  the Internship Program  titled “Automate Detection of Different Sentiments from Textual Comments and Feedback” offered  by TCS iON from 10.12.2020 to 12.01.2021.
  • Selvi. B. Keerthiga and Selvi. E. Sharmila  of  II Yr.  has attended  the Internship Program titled “Webpage – UI Design” offered by TCS iON from 11.12.2020 to 04.01.2021.
  • Selvi. S. Shalinisnega of III Yr. has attended the Internship  Program  titled “Digital Marketing and its Influence on Brand Switching” offered by TCS iON from 10.12.2020 to 03.01.2021.
  • Selvi. S. Jayashree  of  III Yr. Participated  and  secured  92%  in “LMS and ICT Tools” event  in a National  Level online Quiz  held  at  Manakula Vinayagar  Institute of Technology, Puducherry on 07.07.2020.
  • Selvi. B. Ranjani of III yr. participated in “IFS- Forensics Investigation Quiz” organized by IFS: International Forensics Science, Pune on 29.06.2020.
  • Selvi. S.Jayashree of  II Yr. has attended  the Online course  titled  “Photoshop for Beginners: Basics of editing and effects”, ”C Programmig for Beginners – Master the C Fundamentals” and  ”The Complete Wi-Fi Hacking Course: Beginner to Advanced 2019” offered by udemy on 29.06.2020.
  • Selvi. B. Ranjani of III Yr.  has  participated  in Online  Quiz on “Prime Minister’s Self-Reliant  India Movement” held  at  Soundarya  Institute of Management and Science, Bangalore on 28.06.2020.
  • Selvan. R. Jayaprakash of III Yr. participated Online “CODE-MANIA” event held at Annasaheb Dange College of Engineering and Technology, Maharashtra from 26.06.2020 to 28.06.2020.
  • Selvi. E. Sharmila of III Yr.  has completed  the  course on “Game Development using PyGame” by GUVI tech on 25.06.2020.
  • Selvi. B. Ranjani and Selvi. R. Hemalatha of III yr. participated and secured 80% in Online Technical Quiz on “Python” organized by Easwari Engineering College, Chennai on 25.06.2020.
  • Selvi. S.Jayashree of III Yr. participated and secured 90% in Online Technical Quiz on “Android Programming” organized by Easwari Engineering College, Chennai on 23.06.2020.
  • Selvi. B. Ranjani of III yr. participated in the webinar titled “Search Engine Optimization Google Tool” organized by St. Joseph’s Institute of Technology, Chennai on 20.06.2020.
  • Selvi. S. Tamilselvi of III Yr.  has attended  the  webinar on “Linear Programming Problems: An Introduction and Application” organized by Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 20.06.2020.
  • Selvi. S. Jayashree of III yr.  participated and secured 80% in Online Technical Quiz on “Image Processing” organized by Easwari Engineering College, Chennai on 19.06.2020.
  • Selvi. S. Jayashree, Selvi. B. Ranjani and Selvi. R. Hemalatha of III yr.  participated in “E-Quiz  Cloud  Computing” organized  by Mohamed Sathak A..J College of Engineering, Chennai on 18.06.2020.
  • Selvi. S. Jayashree and Selvi. B. Ranjani of III yr. participated in “Challenging on your Programming Skills” organized   by   Mohamed  Sathak  A.J  College of  Engineering, Chennai on 14.06.2020.
  • Selvi. S. Jayashree, Selvi. B. Ranjani and Selvi. R. Hemalatha of III year  has attended  the webinar titled “Ethical Hacking” organized by B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of  Science and Technology on 11.06.2020.
  • Selvi. S. Jayashree and Selvi. R. Hemalatha of III yr. participated and secured 80% in “Job Prospectus in IT Industry: Tools and Techniques you need to Learn” organized by St. Joseph’s Institute of Technology, Chennai on 07.06.2020.
  • Selvi. S. Tamizhselvi and Selvi. J. Nandhini of I Yr. has participated in E-Quiz on “Data Structures using C”   held at Government Polytechnic College, Thiruvarur on June 2020.

Paper Presentation

  • Selvan B. Sivasankar and Selvan D. Sarathkumar of III Yr. presented a paper titled “Machine Learning”, at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur on 02.2020.
  • Selvan P. Prakash, Selvan B. Sivasankar, Selvan E. Tamilarasan, Selvan D.Sarathkumar Selvan R.Rajesekar, Selvan S.Purushothaman and Selvan E.Lakshamanan of Third year has participated in “paper presentation” in National Level Technical Symposium-“Militence” at Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology of Engineering on 14.09.2019
  • Selvan P. Prakash, Selvan B. Sivasankar, Selvan D.Sarathkumar, Selvan D.Nareshkumarear participated in “paper presentation” in National Level Technical Symposium”Captious 4.0″ at university college of engineering Tindivanam on 14.08.2019
  • Selvan. R.Aravindhan and Selvan. A.Ompragash of Final year participated in “paper presentation” in National Level Technical Symposium-Aginimitra2K19 at University College of Engineering Villupuram from 15.03.2019 to 16.03.2019.
  • Selvan. P.Prakash, Selvan. A. Bhuvanesh of Third year participated in “paper presentation” in National Level Technical Symposium-Aginimitra2K19 at University College of Engineering Villupuram from 15.03.2019 to 16.03.2019.
  • Selvi.J.Aathirai, Selvi. E.Iniya and Selvi.M.Premalatha of Third year of second year has participated in “paper presentation” in National Level Technical Symposium- at Manakula vinayagar Engineering college on 08.02.2019.
  • Selvi. K.Kalaiyarasi, Selvi. S. Yuvasri, Selvi.S. Mahalakshmi, Selvi. J. Aishwarya, Selvi.Valarmathi, Selvi. Sriya, Selvi. Pritha and Selvi. Ayesha of Final year participated in “Paper Presentation” in National Level Technical Symposium at Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College on 7 Feb 2019.
  • Selvi. J.Aathirai of Second year participated in “paper presentation” in National Level Technical Symposium at Dhanalakshmi Engineering College on 12.10.2018.
  • Selvan. P.Prakash, Selvan. E.Lakshmana, Selvan. B.Arivumathi participated in “paperpresentation” in National Level Technical Symposium. “INSPIRING 2k18” at KCH college of technology on 21.08.2018.

Project Competition

  • Selvi.E.Iniya, Selvi.M.Premalatha, Selvi.J.Aathirai and Selvi.S.M.Viyalakshmi, Selvi.M.Rashiga,Selvi.A.Mohanapriya, Selvi.R.Rubadevi, Selvan. P. Prakash Selvan. S.Purushothaman,Selvan. B.Balaji,Selvan.  P. Ragul,Selvan.  A. Dominic, Selvan. M. Kishorekumar, Selvan. J. Karthickrajaand  Selvan. E. Gangabhavanan of III yr have participated in “Android EXPO” held at ManakulaVinayagar Institute of Technology, Pondicherry on 05.03.2020.
  • Selvi.J.AathiraiSelvi.E.Iniya, Selvi.S.M.Viyalakshmi and Selvi.M.Premalatha participated in “Project EXPO” held at ManakulaVinayagar Institute of Technology, Pondicherry on 7.03.2020
  • Selvi. Aishwaryaand S. Mahalashkmi of Final year participated in INNOVISTA’19 National Level Technical Project Expo held at Arunai Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai on 26.09.2019.
  • Selvi. V. Vijayachithra of Third year participated in INNOVATOR’S 2019 National Level Project Contestheld at IFET College of Engineering, Villupuram on 16.02.2019.
  • Selvan R.Aravindhan of Final year participated in the Designer Desk competiton, a National Technical Symposium at University college of Engineering Villupuram, Villupuram from 15.03.2019 to 16.03.2019.
  • Selvan. S.Gowtham , Selvan. R.Aravindhan of Third year participated in “Inovation 2K18 Nation level project competiton held at Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology, Pondicherry on 15.09.2018.
  • Selvan. A.Ompragash, N.Vignesh and R.Aravindhan of third year has participated in the coding competition in the National Level Technical Symposium Celebration (DOTZ v7.O) at University college of Engineering Tindivanam on 05.09.2018.
  • Selvan S.Gowtham, Selvan. R. Aravindhan, Selvan. N. Vignesh and Selvan. LeoPrithiviraja of third year participated in Cloud Computing Project Contest-2018 held at Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology, Pondicherry on 27.03.2018.
  • Selvi. V. Vijayachithra of third year participated in PIXEL2K18 National Level Technical Symposium held at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur on 24.03.2018.
  • Selvan. N.Vignesh, Selvan. R.Aravindhan and Selvi. V. Vijayachithra of Third year participated in “Android Project  Competition” held at Mailam Engineering College, Villupuram on 23.03.2018.
  • Selvan.R.Aravindhan and N.Vignesh of Third year participated in Big Data Contest-2018 held at Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology, Pondicherry on 17.03.2018.
  • Selvi. V. Vijayachithra of Third year participated in INNOVATOR’S DAY 2018 National Level Project Contestheld at Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College, Pondicherry on 17.03.2018.
  • Selvan N.Vignesh, Selvan R.Aravindhan, Selvan VijayaKumar, Selvan LeoPrithiviRaja, Selvan S.Gowtham, Selvan S.Sugumar, Selvan A.Ompragash and Selvan M.Jayaram of Third year participated in National Level Project Expo RASPIAN2K’2018 held at IFET college of Engineering, gangarampalayam, Villupuram on 03.03.2018.
  • Selvi. V. Vijayachithra of Second year participated in Mega Project Contest on National Science Day Celebration “SCIMIT 18” held at Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College, Pondicherry on 28.02.2018.

Workshop and Seminar attended

  • Selvi. J.Aathirai ,Selvi. E.Iniya and Selvi.M.Premalatha of III Yr. and Rajesh .G of II Yr. participated in a National Level Technical Seminar titled” IOT Based Smart Information System for Health Care Application”– at IFET Engineering college, Villupuram on 20.01.2020.
  • RAJARAM S of II Year participated in a Webinar titled “Macro to Micro & Nano Approaches in Physics” organized by Idhaya College for Women, Puducherry from 28.5.2020 to 29.5.2020.
  • RAJARAM S of II Yr. participated in a Webinar titled “Linear Programming Problems: An Introduction and Application” organized by Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 20.6.2020.
  • SHALINI SNEGA.S of II Yr. participated in a Webinar titled “Introduction to Web Application Development using PHP” organized by ACS College of Engineering, Bengaluru on 18.5.2020.
  • KEERTHIGA B of II Yr. participated in a Webinar titled “You 2.0” organized by Sri Venkateswaraa College of Technology, Chennai on 18.5.2020.
  • KEERTHIGA.B of II Yr. participated in a Webinar titled “Micro & Nanotechnology and its Applications” at G.T.N. Arts College,Dindigul on 14.5.2020.
  • KEERTHIGA.B of II Yr. participated in a Webinar titled “Linear Programming Problems: An Introduction and Application” at Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 20.6.2020.
  • KEERTHIGA.B of II Yr. participated in a Webinar titled “Relevance of Information Technology as a Career option in Current Scenario” at Kasturba Gandhi Degree & P.G College for women, Telangana on 30.5.2020.
  • B and SHALINI SNEGA.S of II Yr participated in a Webinar titled “Recent Trends in Energy Materials and Technology” at S.T.Hindu College, -Nagercoil on 25.5.2020.
  • Selvan P. Prakash, Selvan. S. Purushothaman, Selvan. E. Gangabhavanan, Selvan. P.Ragul, Selvan. G. Balaji, Selvan. E. Tamilarasan, Selvan. B. Sivasankar of third year has attended the workshop in ” LINUX OS” Conducted by UNIQ technologies on 29.12.2019
  • Selvan A.Bhuvanesh, Selvan. P. Prakash of Third year attended in one day Workshop on Various Software Technologies GNU/Linux, Python etc., conducted by Free Software foundation tamilnadu at University College of Engineeing, Villupuram from 15.03.2019 to 16.03.2019
  • Selvan M.Jayaram, A.Ompragash and R.Aravindhan of Final year has attended the workshop in ANDROID APP DEVELOPMENT conducted in University College of Engineering Villupuram on 15.03.2019.
  • Selvan A.Ompragash, M.Jayaram and R.Aravindhan of Final year has attended the workshop in MACHINE LEARNING WORKSHOP conducted in University College of Engineering Villupuram on 15.03.2019.
  • Selvi.S.M.Viyalakshmi and Selvi.A.Mohanapriyaof Second year has attended the workshop in IOT Technology conducted by World record hacking on 11.10.2018.
  • Selvi.J.Aathirai,Selvi.E.Iniya, Selvi.M.PremalathaSelvi. M.Rashiga and Selvi.R.Rubadevi of Second year has attended the workshop in Gaming and Security conducted by World record hacking on 09.09.2018.
  • Selvan.P.Prakash, Selvan. S. Purushothaman of third year has attended the workshop in World Biggest International Hands-on Security Forensics Workshop conducted by Wikitechy and Microsoft Research Community group, Pondicherry on 09.09.2018
  • Selvi.J.Aathirai, Selvi.E.Iniya, Selvi.M.Premalatha, Selvi. M.Rashiga, Selvi.R.Rubadevi, Selvi. S.M.Viyalakshmi and Selvi.A.Mohanapriyaof Second year has attended the workshop in Python and Blender on 08.09.2018.
  • Selvi. V. Vijayachithra of Third year has attended the workshop in Python and Blender on 08.09.2018.

Certificate of Achievement

  • Selvan E. Tamilarasan, Selvan. Prakash, Selvan. B. Arivumathi of III year won 3rd prize in “C COLLESIUM” in a National Level Technical Festival MITILENCE 2020 at ManakulaVinayagar Institute of Technology, Puducherry from 14.2.20 to 15.2.20
  • Selvan. E. Tamilarasan, Selvan. B. Arivumathi of Third year won 3rd prizeofRs 500/-cash award in Market a Product event in a National Level Technical Festival MITILENCE 2020at ManakulaVinayagar Institute of Technology, Puducherry from 10th to 11th February 2020
  • Selvan E. Tamilarasan of third year won 1st prize of cash award in “CoDER BYTES” in National Level Technical Symposium-FLABBERGAST’17 at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College on 28.01.2020
  • Selvan. E. Gangabhavanan of third ear won 1st prize” at UCET Tindivanam ” FRAME FRONTEND” On 12.08.2019
  • Selvan.P.Prakash of third year won 2nd prize award “TECH QUIZ” in a National Level Technical “HIKOHIKO 2k19 ” at UCET Tindivanam on 20.09.2019
  • Selvan.N.Vignesh of Third year won 1st prize of Rs 5000/- cash award in Project Competition at Mailam Engineering College, Villupuram from 18.03.2019.
  • Selvi. J. Aishwarya and S. Yuvasri of Third year has Won Consolation in a title of Amazon VSFlipkart in National Level Project Expo Big Data Contest-2018 held at Mailam Engineering College, Mailam on 18.03.2019.
  • Selvan.P. Prakash. Selvan. A. Bhuvanesh of third year won 1st prize award in “CRYPTONIX” a National Level Technical ” AGNIMITHRA 2k19″ UCEV Villupuram on 15.03.2019 to 16.03.2019
  • Selvan. N.Vignesh of Third year won 1st prize of Rs 3000/- cash award in Bilder App event in a at Sri Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology, Puducherry from 15.09.2018.
  • Selvan. A.Ompragash and R.Aravindhan of third year won 1st prize of Rs 500/- cash award in “Blind Coding” competition Festival “POINTERS 2K18” at Arunai Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai at 07.09.2018.
  • Selvan A.Ompragash of third year has won 1st prize in the DOTZ v7.0 in “Code chef” competition at University college of Engineering Tindivanam on 05.09.2018.
  • Selvi.J.Aathirai of Third year participated in “paper presentation” in National Level Technical Symposium at SRM Engineering College on 15.02.2018 and won cash award of rupess 1000.

Implant training

  • Selvi.J.Aathirai of Third year has attended implant training on Multimedia applicationfrom 26.12.2019 to 01.01.2020.
  • Selvi.E.Iniya, Selvi.J.Aathirai, Selvi.M.PremalathaSelvi. M.RashigaSelvi.R.Rubadevi,Selvi. S.M.Viyalakshmi and Selvi.A.Mohanapriyaof Second year has attended implant training on web application develpment from 05.12.2018 to 08.08.2018


  • HariniPriya.S of II Yr. won 1st Prize in Relay (4x400m) Competition in the Annual Sports Meet of our College held on 13.3.2020. She also took part in Kho – Kho Competition and her team won a prize.

Staff Activities

Staff Activities 2021

International Seminar

  • G.Vasanthi AP/IT attended a one day International Seminar titled “Phishing and Ransomware” on 30.6.21 organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai.


  • S.Artheeswari Prof/IT , Dr.S.Kalaivany Prof/IT and Mrs.G.Vasanthi attended a two days national workshop titled” Recent Trends in Machine Learning for Neuro Imaging” from 29.11.21 to 30.11.21 Organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IFET College of Engineering, Villupuram.

International Conference

  • M.Ramalingam, has presented a paper titled “The Proficient Nano Remote Censor Network using Energy Preserving Routing Startergy” in International conference on Computer Communication and Informatics at Sri Siva Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore from 27.12.21 to 29.12.21
  • G.Vasanthi AP/IT , has presented a paper titled “Secured Data storage using Erasure coding in Cloud Environment” in International conference on Computer Communication and Informatics at Sri Siva Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore from 27.1.21 to 29.12.21
  • K.Loganathan AP/IT , has presented a paper titled “An extensive web security through cloud based double layer password encryption algorithm for secured management system” in International conference on System,Computation, Automation and Networking at Manakula Institute of Technology, Puducherry from 30.7.21 to 31.7.21


  • R. Gajendiren,Asso Prof/IT attended a online ATAL FDP titled” “Artificial Intelligence” from 4.1.21 to 8.1.21 organised by Gyan Ganga Institute of Technology & Sciences.
  • G.Vasanthi , AP /IT attended a online ATAL FDP titled” Augmented Reality (AR)/ Virtual Reality (VR)” from 5.1.21 to 9.1.21 organised by Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur College of Engineering Anantapuramu.
  • G.Vasanthi , AP /IT attended a NPTEL AICTE FDP titled” Software Testing” from Jan to Feb 2021 organised by NPTEL-AICTE.
  • S.Artheeswari , Prof/IT attended a online ATAL FDP titled” ” Gamification” from 18.1.21 to 22.1.21 organised by Vishawakarma Institute of Technology.
  • S.Kalaivany, Prof/IT attended a online ATAL FDP titled” Augmented Reality (AR)/ Virtual Reality (VR)” from 18.1.21 to 22.1.21 organised by Hindustan Institute of Technology & Science.
  • R. Gajendiren,AP/IT attended a online ATAL FDP titled” Cyber Security” from 18.1.21 to 22.1.21 organised by St. Joseph’s College of Engineering.
  • K.Loganathan , AP /IT attended a online ATAL FDP titled” Cyber Security” from 18.1.21 to 22.1.21 organised by St. Joseph’s College of Engineering.
  • G.Vasanthi , AP /IT attended a online ATAL FDP titled” Artificial Intelligence” from 18.1.21 to 22.1.21 organised by Sree Buddha College of Engineering.
  • S.Kalaivany, Prof/IT attended a online ATAL FDP titled” “Smart Cities” from 1.2.21 to 5.2.21 organised by Vellore Institute of Technology
  • S.Artheeswari , Prof/IT attended a online ATAL FDP titled” “Smart Cities” from 1.2.21 to 5.2.21 organised by Vellore Institute of Technology
  • K.Loganathan , AP /IT attended a online ATAL FDP titled” “Internet of Things(IOT)” from 1.2.21 to 5.2.21 organised by Knowledge Institute of Technology.
  • S.Artheeswari, Prof/IT attended a online ATAL FDP titled” “Learning Management System ” from 15.3.21 to 19.3.21 organised by National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research.
  • S.Kalaivany, Prof/IT attended a online ATAL FDP titled” “Learning Management System ” from 15.3.21 to 19.3.21 organised by National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research.
  • S.Artheeswari , Prof/IT attended a online ATAL FDP titled” ” Cyber Security: A step towards awareness to Cyber Crime” from to 18.6.21 organised by Engineering College Ajmer.
  • S.Artheeswari , Prof/IT attended a Virtual FDP titled” ” Recent Advancements In Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning” from 10.6.21 to 11.6.21 organised by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Arunai Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai.
  • S.Kalaivany, Prof/IT attended a online ATAL FDP titled” ” Achieving Operational Excellence by Digital Transformation of Supply Chain ” from 21.6.21 to 25.6.21 organised by RV College of Engineering.
  • S.Artheeswari , Prof/IT attended a online ATAL FDP titled” ” Semantic Intelligence: The Way Forward with Artificial Intelligence” from 1.7.21 to 5.7.21 organised by National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra.
  • G.Vasanthi , AP /IT attended a online ATAL FDP titled” Sensors fabrication and it’s applications in IoT” from 2.7.21 to 6.7.21 organised by Graphic Era (Deemed to be University).
  • S.Kalaivany, Prof/IT attended a online ATAL FDP titled” ” “Cyber Security, Ethical Hacking and Cyber Crime” from 12.7.21 to 16.7.21 organised by Department of Computer Sciences, University of Kashmir.
  • G.Vasanthi , AP /IT attended a NPTEL AICTE FDP titled” Cloud Computing” from Aug to Oct 2021 organised by NPTEL-AICTE.
  • K.Loganathan , AP /IT attended a online ATAL FDP titled” “Edge Computing Technologies for Smart factory Automation and Industry 4.0 ” from 16.8.21 to 20.8.21 organised by Kongu Engineering College
  • S.Artheeswari , Prof/IT attended a online ATAL FDP titled” “5G Antenna Design Engineering ” from 6.12.21 to 10.12.21 organised by Mailam Engineering College
  • K.Loganathan , AP /IT attended a online ATAL FDP titled” “5G Antenna Design Engineering ” from 6.12.21 to 10.12.21 organised by Mailam Engineering College

Staff Activities 2020

Faculty Development Program

  • S.Kalaivany, Prof. and Dr.S.Artheeswari, Prof attended a FDP titled ”Learning Management System” from 15.3.2021 to 19.3.2021 organized by National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research.
  • S.Kalaivany, Prof. and Dr.S.Artheeswari, Prof attended a FDP titled ”Smart Cities” from 1.2.2021 to 5.2.2021 organized by Vellore Institute of Technology.
  • K.Loganathan, AP attended a FDP titled ” Internet of Things(IoT)” from 1.2.2021 to 5.2.2021 organized by Knowledge Institute of Technology.
  • S.Artheeswari, Prof. attended a FDP titled Gamification from 18.1.2021 to 22.1.2021 organized by Vishawakarma Institute of Technology.
  • R.Gajendiran, AP and Mr.K.Loganathan, AP attended a FDP titled ”Cyber Security” from 18.1.2021 to 22.1.2021 organized by St. Joseph’s College of Engineering.
  • G.Vasanthi, AP attended a FDP titled ”Artificial Intelligence” from 18.1.2021 to 22.1.2021 organized by Sree Buddha College of Engineering.
  • G.Vasanthi, AP attended a FDP titled ”Augmented Reality(AR)/Virtual Reality(VR)” from 5.1.2021 to 9.1.2021 organized by Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur College of Engineering, Anantapuramu.
  • R.Gajendiran , AP attended a FDP titled ”Artificial Intelligence” from 4.1.2021 to 8.1.2021 organized by Gyan Ganga Institute of Technology & Sciences.
  • S.Kalaivany, Prof. attended a FDP titled ”Internet of Things(IoT)” from 26.12.2020 to 30.12.2020 organized by National Institute of Technology, Puducherry.
  • S.Artheeswari, Prof. attended a FDP titled ”Data Sciences” from 14.12.2020 to 18.12.2020 organized by Indian Institute of Information Technology, Tiruchirappalli.
  • G.Vasanthi, AP attended a FDP titled ”Block Chain” from 15.12.2020 to 19.12.2020 organized by The National Institute of Engineering.


  • M. Ramalingam, Mrs.D.Gomathi, Dr.S.Kalaivany, Dr.S.Artheeswari, Mr.P.Saravanan, Mrs.G.Vasanthi, Mr.R.Gajendiran, Mr.K.Loganathan, Mr.B.Satheesh published patent titled “Machine Learning Based Health Data Analysis Using Web Of Things” on 18.9.2020, Issue No.38/2020.
  • M. Ramalingam&Mrs.D.Gomathi published patent titled “Modern Design Of Road Transportation For Pedestrian Using Solar Energy” on 4.9.2020, Issue No.36/2020.

Paper presented in International conferences

  • M.Ramalingam, and Ms. D.Gomathi, presented a paper titled “A framework for Road Transportation modern pedestrian using Solar Energy” in International conference on Smart Energy Systems and Electrical Vehicles” at Velagapudi Ramakrishna Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh from 8.01.2020 to 10.01.2020.
  • M.Ramalingam, and Ms. D.Gomathi, presented a paper titled “Interactive Chat-Bot acting as a Personal Assistant” in International conference on Smart Energy Systems and Electrical Vehicles at  Velagapudi Ramakrishna Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh from 8.01.2020 to 10.01.2020.
  • M.Ramalingam, and Ms. D.Gomathi, presented a paper titled “An Efficient Automated Modern Pedestrian Framework For Road Transportation Using Solar Energy” in International conference on Innovation, entrepreneurship and Economy for sustainable development at Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai from 10.10.2018 to 11.10.2018.
  • P.SaravananAsso. Prof. presented a paper titled “Algorithmic structure for coupled field finite element analysis of switched reluctance motor using soft magnetic composite” in International Conference On Recent Advances & Innovations in Technology, Management & Applied Sciences” at St.Martin Engineering College, Telugana from 29.12.20 to 30.12.20
  • D.Gomathi AP presented a paper titled “The Proficient Smart Health System Using Internet of Things” in International Conference On Innovative Agricultural Engineering And Food Technology at Sri Shakthi Institute Of Engineering And Technology, Coimbatore from 23.12.20 to 24.12.20.
  • G.Vasanthi, Asst. Prof. presented a papers titled “Secure Data Storage Using Erasure Coding in Cloud Environment”  in an International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics from  27.1.2021 to 29.1.2021.

Publications in International journals

  • M.Ramalingam HOD and Mrs.D.Gomathi AP have published a paper titled” A Framework For Road Transportation Modern Pedestrian Using Solar Energy” in the International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology,Volume 11, Issue 10, October 2020, pp. 1330-1338. (Scopus Indexed)
  • M.Ramalingam HOD and Mrs.D.Gomathi AP have published a paper titled” Proactive Assistance System for Visually Challenged Persons Using Internet of Things Based on Machine Learning” in the Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience Volume 17, Number 11, November 2020, pp.5052–5056. (Scopus Indexed)
  • S.Kalaivany Prof and Prof. Dr.S.Artheeswari have published a paper titled” Towards the prediction of Financial Block Chain Products using Generative AdversialNetworls” in the International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol 29, No 3,(2020), pp.13360-13369., ISSN:2005-4238. (Scopus Indexed)
  • Dr.S.Artheeswari and Prof. Dr.S.Kalaivany have  published a paper titled” Skin Lesion Segmentation and Classification Model using Optimal Shannon Entropy with Artificial Neural Network” in the International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol 29, No 3,(2020), pp.13188-13199., ISSN:2005-4238.(Scopus Indexed)
  • Dr.S.Kalaivany has published a paper titled” Effective Lung Cancer Identification with Fuzzy Cluster using support Vector Machine” in the Journal of Green Engineering (JGE) Vol. 10_10, 9626-9636, October 2020, ISSN: 2245-4586. (Scopus Indexed)
  • Dr.S.Artheeswari has published a paper titled” An Improved Digital Image Identification System for Face Recognition Using Computer Vision for Green Communication” in the Journal of Green Engineering (JGE) Vol. 10_10,9681-9690, October 2020,  ISSN: 2245-4586. (Scopus Indexed)
  • G.Vasanthi AP, Prof. Dr.S.Artheeswari and Prof. Dr.S.Kalaivany have  published a paper titled” Nearest Neighbors Search Algorithm for High Dimensional Data” in the Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 12, 08-Special Issue, 2020, ISSN 1943-023X, PP – 1215 to 1218.      (Scopus Indexed)
  • R.Gajendiren AP has published a paper titled” An Artificial Neural Network Based Iris Authentication Using Back Propagation” in the Journal of Green Engineering (JGE)-Volume-10,Issue -10,October 2020,9601-9614(Scopus Indexed)
  • D.Gomathi AP and Dr.M.Ramalingam HOD have published a paper titled” Face Emotion Identification System for Visually Challenged Persons using Machine Learning” in the International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering Vol. 9,No.5 September-October 2020, pp. 8309- 8314. (Scopus Indexed)
  • D.Gomathi AP and Dr.M.Ramalingam HOD have published a paper titled” The Proficient Context-Aware QoS framework for Reliable Web of Things” in the International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology(IJARET) Volume 11, Issue 10, October 2020, pp. 1760-1768. (Scopus Indexed)
  • K.Loganathan AP has published a paper titled” Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Lung Nodule Detection from Computed Tomography images” in the Solid State Technology,Vol.63 No.6,2020 Pp.8517-8524, ISSN: 0038-111X (Scopus Indexed)
  • K.Loganathan AP has published a paper titled” CNN & LSTM using python for automatic image captioning” in the Material Today:Proceedings, ISSN:2214-7853,2020 (Scopus Indexed)

Workshop Attended

  • Mr. P.Saravanan, Asso.Prof., Mr.K.Loganathan, Asst.Prof and Mrs.G.Vasanthi Asst.Prof., has attended one day Seminar on “IOT based smart information System for healthcare application” at IFET College of Engineering on 20.01.2020.
  • Ms.D.Gomathi Asst.Prof., has participated in six days Faculty Development Program on “Data Science using Python” at Sri ManaKula Vinayagar Engineering College from 16.12.2019 to 20.12.2019.


  • Dr.M.Ramalingam Prof., and Ms. D.Gomathi Asst. Prof., has presented a paper titled “A framework for Road Transportation modern pedestrian using Solar Energy” in International conference on Smart Energy Systems and Electrical Vehicles at Velagapudi Ramakrishna Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh from 8.01.2020 to 10.01.2020.
  • Dr.M.Ramalingam Prof., and Ms. D.Gomathi Asst. Prof., has presented a paper titled “Interactive Chat-Bot acting as a Personal Assistant” in International conference on Smart Energy Systems and Electrical Vehicles at Velagapudi Ramakrishna Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh from 8.01.2020 to 10.01.2020.
  • Dr.M.Ramalingam Prof., and Ms. D.Gomathi Asst. Prof., has presented a paper titled “An Efficient Automated Modern Pedestrian Framework For Road Transportation Using Solar Energy” in International conference on Innovation, entrepreneurship and Economy for sustainable development at Sri Sairam Engineering College from 10.10.2018 to 11.10.2018.

Journal Publications

  • Mr. P. Saravanan Asso.Prof., has published a Journal titled ”Comparative Study on different Video Hiding Techniques” in International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering(IJCSE), Vol.6(11), Nov 2018, E-ISSN: 2347-2693 Pp.497-502.
  • Mrs. S. Artheeswari, Asso.Prof., has published a Journal titled “Securing the data using ABC Algorithm and Secure Multi-Party Computation Protocol in Cloud in International Journal of Scientific Research and Review, Volume 7, Issue 3, 2018, ISSN NO: 2279-543X.
  • Mrs. S. Artheeswari, Asso.Prof., has published a Journal titled Enhancing the Efficiency of Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) Algorithm Using Genetic Operations” in Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science May-August. 2017 pp. 396-401.
  • Mrs. S.Artheeswari, Asso.Prof., has published a paper in the Journal titled “International Data Encryption Algorithm(IDEA) For Data Security In Cloud in the International Journal of Technology and Engineering System(IJTES) (Vol 8, No.1 ; Jan-Mar 2016,Pp06-11).
  • Mrs. S.Kalaivany, Asso.Prof., has published a paper in the Journal titled “A Technical Overview Of Various Homomorphic Encryption Techniques For A Secure Cloud Data Storage System in the International Journal of Technology and Engineering System(IJTES) (Vol 8, No.1 ; Jan-Mar 2016,Pp12-16).
  • Mrs. S.Artheeswari, Asso.Prof., has published a paper in the Journal titled “International Data Encryption Algorithm(IDEA) For Data Security In Cloud in The International Conference on Innovations in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems(ICIIECS)Vol.2 Pp-906-912.
  • Mrs. S.Kalaivany, Asso.Prof., has published a paper in the Journal titled “A Technical Overview Of Various Homomorphic Encryption Techniques For A Secure Cloud Data Storage System in The International Conference on Innovations in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems(ICIIECS)Vol.2 Pp-913-917.
  • Mrs. D.Mohanapriya, Asst.Prof., has published a Journal titled An Optimized Support Vector Machine for Classifying Opinions in M Learning Systems Applied To Biotechnology Domain” in Research Journal of BioTechnology Jan-2017, Pp. 168-176.

National Conference

  • P.Saravanan, Asso. Prof. presented two papers titled   “Mining Frequent itemsets with candidate generation in Machine Learning” and  “Mining Frequent itemsets without candidate generation in Machine Learning”  in an International Conference on “Recent Advances & Innovations in Technology, Management & Applied Sciences” at  Velammal Engineering College, Chennai  from  6.8.20 to 7.8.20.

International Seminars

  • Prof. Dr.S.Artheeswari and  Mrs.G.Vasanthi AP   attended an International Seminar titled “Catastrophic Effects of Global Adversities and the Therapeutic Power of Literature International Webinar”on 20.5.20 organized by Emerald Heights College for Women, Ooty.
  • Prof. Dr.S.Artheeswariattended an International Seminar titled “Covid 19 and Global Challenges” on 27.5.20 organized by Vel’s Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies, Chennai.

FDP attended

  • Dr.S.Artheeswari, Prof. Dr.S.Kalaivany, and Mrs.G.Vasanthi Asst. Prof.  attended a FDP titled” Python 3.4.3” from 16.4.20 to 22.4.20 organized by Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur.
  • Dr.S.Artheeswari,,Prof.Dr.S.Kalaivany and Mrs.G.Vasanthi Asst. Prof.  attended a FDP titled” Effective Project Proposal Writing” from 8.5.20 to 9.5.20organized by Velammal Engineering College, Chennai.
  • Dr.S.Artheeswari, Prof. Dr.S.Kalaivany, Mr.P.SaravananAsso.Prof, Mrs.G.Vasanthi AP and Mr.R.Gajendiren AP attended a FDP titled” Theory of Computation” from 18.5.20 to 22.5.20 organized by Velammal Engineering College, Chennai.
  • Dr.S.Artheeswari, and Prof. Dr.S.Kalaivany, attended a FDP titled” Data Science using Python” from 18.5.20 to 22.5.20organized by Jeppiar Institute of Technology, Chennai.
  • Dr.S.Artheeswari, Prof.Dr.S.Kalaivany, Mr.P.Saravanan, Asso. Prof.  and Mrs.G.Vasanthi APattended a FDP titled” Next Generation Intelligence” from 20.5.20 to 25.5.20 organized by St. Peter’s Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai.
  • Dr.S.Artheeswari, Prof. Dr.S.Kalaivany, and Mr.P.Saravanan, Asso. Prof. attended a FDP titled” Art of Writing Research Articles and Funding Proposals” from 21.5.20 to 35.20organized by ManakulaVinayagar Institute of  Technology, Puducherry,
  • Dr.S.Artheeswari, Prof.Dr.S.Kalaivany, and Mrs.G.Vasanthi AP  attended a FDP titled” Data Structures” from 25.5.20 to 29.5.20organised by Velammal Engineering College, Chennai.
  • S.Artheeswari,Prof/IT and Mr.P.SaravananAsso Prof/ITattended aInternational FDP titled”360 Degree Classroom Management– Teaching Methodology” from 16.5.20 to 22.5.20organised by Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai
  • • Dr.S.Artheeswari, attended a FDP titled” Mastering the Art of Handling Post Covid Challenges for Sustainable Development” from 19.5.20 to 23.5.20 organized by Dr. MGR Educational and Research Institute (Deemed University), Chennai.
  • • P.SaravananAsso. Prof. has attended the following FacultyDevelopment Programs.
Sl. No. Name of the Programe Organizers Date
1. Advanced Cpp KarpagaVinayaga College of Engineering and Technology, Chennai 25.5.20 to 31.5.20
2. Cloud Computing KGISL Institute of Technology,Coimbatore 10.6.20 to 30.6.20
3. AWS in Cloud Computing Rajalakshmi Engineering College,-Chennai 11.6.20 to 13.6.20
4. Emerging Trends in Information Technology Karpagam College of Engineering,Chennai 23.6.20 to 27.6.20
5. Machine Learning using Python NIT, Karnataka. 9.7.20 to 11.7.20
6. Block Chain BharatiVidyapeeth College of Engineering,Pune 14.12.20 to 18.12.20
7. Intellectual Property Rights for Engineers Sairam Engineering College, Chennai. 16.5.20 to 20.5.20

IT Student Achievements

Let us see some of the achievements by students of IT Department of Mailam Engineering College, The Best Engineering College.
  • Tamilarasan, P.Prakash, B.Arivumathi of 3rd year won 3rd prize in “C COLLESIUM” in a National Level Technical Festival MITILENCE 2020 at Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology, Puducherry from 14 to 15thh February 2020
  • Tamilarasan, B.Arivumathi of 3rd year won 3rd prize of Rs 500/-cash award in Market a Product event in a National Level Technical Festival MITILENCE 2020at Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology, Puducherry from 10th to 11th February 2020
  • Tamilarasan of 3rd year won 1st prize of cash award in “CoDER BYTES” in National Level Technical Symposium-FLABBERGAST’17 at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College on 28.01.2020
  • Gangabhavanan of 3rd year won 1st prize” at UCET Tindivanam ” FRAME FRONTEND” On 12.08.2019
  • Prakash of 3rd year won 2nd prize award “TECH QUIZ” in a National Level Technical “HIKOHIKO 2k19 ” at UCET Tindivanam on 20.09.2019
  • Vignesh of 3rd year won 1st prize of Rs 5000/- cash award in Project Competition at Mailam Engineering College, Villupuram from 18.03.2019.
  • Aishwarya and S.Yuvasri of 3rd year has Won Consolation in a title of Amazon VSFlipkart in National Level Project Expo Big Data Contest-2018 held at Mailam Engineering College, Mailam on 18.03.2019.
  • Prakash. A.Bhuvanesh of 3rd year won 1st prize award in “CRYPTONIX” a National Level Technical ” AGNIMITHRA 2k19″  UCEV Villupuram on 15.03.2019 to 16.03.2019
  • Vignesh of 3rd year won 1st prize of Rs 3000/- cash award in Bilder App event in a at Sri Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology, Puducherry from 15.09.2018.
  • Ompragash and R.Aravindhan of 3rd year won 1st prize of Rs 500/- cash award in “Blind Coding” competition Festival “POINTERS 2K18” at Arunai Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai at 07.09.2018.
  • Omprakash of 3rd year has won 1st prize in the DOTZ v7.0 in “Code chef” competition at University college of Engineering Tindivanam on 05.09.2018.
  • Aathirai of 3rd year participated in “paper presentation” in National Level Technical Symposium at SRM Engineering College on 15.02.2018 and won cash award of rupess 1000.
  • Aathirai, E.Iniya and M.Premalatha of 3rd year and 2nd year has participated in National Level Technical Seminar- at IFET Engineering college on 20.01.2020.
  • Prakash, S.Purushothaman, E.Gangabhavanan, P.Ragul, G.Balaji, E.Tamilarasan, . B.Sivasankar of 3rd year has attended the workshop in ” LINUX OS” Conducted by UNIQ technologies on 29.12.2019
  • Bhuvanesh, P.Prakash of 3rd year attended in one day Workshop on Various Software Technologies GNU/Linux, Python etc., conducted by Free Software foundation tamilnadu at University College of Engineering, Villupuram from 15.03.2019 to 16.03.2019
  • Jayaram, A.Ompragash and R.Aravindhan of 4th year has attended the workshop in ANDROID APP DEVELOPMENT conducted in University College of Engineering Villupuram on 15.03.2019.
  • Ompragash, M.Jayaram and R.Aravindhan of 4th year has attended the workshop in MACHINE LEARNING WORKSHOP conducted in University College of Engineering Villupuram on 15.03.2019.
  • M.Viyalakshmi and A.Mohanapriya of 2nd year has attended the workshop in IOT Technology conducted by World record hacking on 11.10.2018.
  • Aathirai, E.Iniya, M.Premalatha, M.Rashiga and R.Rubadevi of 2nd year has attended the workshop in Gaming and Security conducted by World record hacking on 09.09.2018.
  • Prakash, S.Purushothaman of 3rd year has attended the workshop in World Biggest International Hands-on Security Forensics Workshop conducted by Wikitechy and Microsoft Research Community group, Pondicherry on 09.09.2018
  • Aathirai, E.Iniya, M.Premalatha, M.Rashiga, R.Rubadevi, S.M.Viyalakshmi and A.Mohanapriya of 2nd year has attended the workshop in Python and Blender on 08.09.2018.
  • Vijayachithra of 3rd year has attended the workshop in Python and Blender on 08.09.2018.
  • Sivasankar, D.Sarathkumar of 3rd year has participated in a “paper presentation” , at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur on 22.02.2020
  • Prakash, B.Sivasankar, E.Tamilarasan,  D.Sarathkumar  R.Rajesekar,  S.Purushothaman and  E.Lakshamanan of 3rd year has participated in “paper presentation” in National Level Technical Symposium-“Militence” at Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology of  Engineering on 14.09.2019
  • Prakash,  B. Sivasankar,  D.Sarathkumar,  D.Nareshkumarear participated in “paper presentation” in National Level Technical Symposium “Captious 4.0”  at university college of engineering Tindivanam on 14.08.2019
  • Aravindhan and A.Ompragash of 4th year participated in “paper presentation” in National Level Technical Symposium-Aginimitra2K19 at University College of Engineering Villupuram from 15.03.2019 to 16.03.2019.
  • Prakash, A. Bhuvanesh of 3rd year participated in “paper presentation” in National Level Technical Symposium-Aginimitra2K19 at University College of Engineering Villupuram from 15.03.2019 to 16.03.2019.
  • Aathirai, E.Iniya and M.Premalatha of 3rd year of second year has participated in “paper presentation” in National Level Technical Symposium at Manakula vinayagar Engineering College on 08.02.2019.
  • Kalaiyarasi, S. Yuvasri, S. Mahalakshmi, J. Aishwarya, Valarmathi, Sriya, Pritha and Ayesha of 4th year participated in “Paper Presentation” in National Level Technical Symposium at Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College on 7 Feb 2019.
  • Aathirai of 2nd year participated in “paper presentation” in National Level Technical Symposium at Dhanalakshmi Engineering College on 12.10.2018.
  • Prakash, E.Lakshmana, B.Arivumathi participated in “paper presentation” in National Level Technical Symposium. “INSPIRING 2k18” at KCH college of technology on 21.08.2018.
  • Iniya, M.Premalatha, J.Aathirai and S.M.Viyalakshmi, M.Rashiga, A.Mohanapriya, R.Rubadevi, P.Prakash, S.Purushothaman, B.Balaji, P.Ragul, A.Dominic, M.Kishorekumar, J. Karthickraja, E.Gangabhavanan of 3rd year participated in Android EXPO held at Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology, Pondicherry on 05.03.2020.
  • Aishwarya and S.Mahalashkmi of 4th year participated in INNOVISTA’19 National Level Technical Project Expo held at Arunai Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai on 26.09.2019.
  • Vijayachithra of 3rd year participated in INNOVATOR’S 2019 National Level Project Contest held at IFET College of Engineering, Villupuram on 16.02.2019.
  • Aravindhan of 4th year participated in the Designer Desk competition, a National Technical Symposium at University college of Engineering Villupuram, Villupuram from 15.03.2019 to 16.03.2019.
  • Gowtham, R.Aravindhan of 3rd year participated in “Inovation 2K18 Nation level project competition held at Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology, Pondicherry on 15.09.2018.
  • Ompragash, N.Vignesh and R.Aravindhan of 3rd year has participated in the coding competition in the National Level Technical Symposium Celebration (DOTZ v7.O) at University college of Engineering Tindivanam on 05.09.2018.
  • Gowtham, R.Aravindhan, N.Vignesh and LeoPrithiviraja of 3rd year participated in Cloud Computing Project Contest-2018 held at Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology, Pondicherry on 27.03.2018.
  • Vijayachithra of 3rd year participated in PIXEL2K18 National Level Technical Symposium held at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur on 24.03.2018.
  • Vignesh, R.Aravindhan and V.Vijayachithra of 3rd year participated in “Android Project Competition” held at Mailam Engineering College, Villupuram on 23.03.2018.
  • Aravindhan and N.Vignesh of 3rd year participated in Big Data Contest-2018 held at Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology, Pondicherry on 17.03.2018.
  • Vijayachithra of 3rd year participated in INNOVATOR’S DAY 2018 National Level Project Contest held at Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College, Pondicherry on 17.03.2018.
  • Vignesh, R.Aravindhan, VijayaKumar, LeoPrithiviRaja, S.Gowtham, S.Sugumar,  A.Ompragash and  M.Jayaram of 3rd year participated in National Level Project Expo RASPIAN 2K’2018 held at IFET college of Engineering, gangarampalayam, Villupuram on 03.03.2018.
  • Vijayachithra of 2nd year participated in Mega Project Contest on National Science Day Celebration “SCIMIT 18” held at Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College, Pondicherry on 28.02.2018.