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B.Tech Computer Science and Business Systems

About the Department

The B.Tech. – The Computer Science and Business Systems (CSBS) programme is designed to meet the increasing demand for engineering talent with digital technology skills. Among the Computer Science and Business Systems colleges in Tamilnadu only our curriculum aims to provide students with essential computer science concepts as well as a mix of humanities and management science, ensuring that they are prepared for the Industrial Revolution 4.0. This state-of-the-art course aims to impart knowledge of cutting-edge technologies and business skills with hands-on exposure to make students industry-ready.

The main goal of this course is to ensure that the students not only know the core topics of Computer Science but also develop an equal understanding of humanities, human values, and management sciences. The students also get good industrial exposure to emerging topics such as Analytics, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, the Internet of Things, etc.


  • Understanding of Contemporary Technology
  • Understanding of Technology Abstraction
  • Innovation Ability
  • Strong in Ethics and Life Values
  • Learning Common Business Principles
  • Exploring Business Discipline and Service Orientation


It aims to enhance the relevance of the Computer Science program in India to meet the future demands of the IT industry, whose landscape is rapidly changing in the era of Business 4.0.

To produce industry ready professionals with information technology acquaintance and human values to contribute to the society at large.


M1: To impart Quality education through well-designed curriculum in tune with the challenging Software needs of the industry
M2: :To expose the students to emerging topics such as Analytics, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, the Internet of Things, etc., and make them “Industry-Ready.”
M3: :To develop and to promote student ability thereby competing globally through excellence in education.
M4: To facilitate the development of academic-industry Collaboration.

Dr.R. Rajappan


Welcome Message

“To be a centre of excellence in the field of Mechanical Engineering where the best of teaching, learning and research synergize”

Welcome to the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Mailam Engineering College, the esteemed & the fastest growing college in Tamilnadu. As Chair of the Department, I take pride in the fact that our department has well qualified faculty and staff members who are available to the students fulltime. A well equipped state of the art laboratory helps the students to keep in pace with the racing technology.

The faculty members in addition to regular teaching are also busy in consultancy services to local industry and Govt. departments, organizing and participating national/international conferences, workshops and seminars, upgradation of laboratories (through college budget and grants from AICTE and other bodies).

The students of Mechanical Engineering have been recruited by renowned companies like Cooper busman, Sundram fasteners Ltd, TCS, Wipro, HCL etc. They have also brought laurels to the department by winning various competitions at national level co-curricular and extracurricular activities like paper presentations, projects, quizzes, sports etc.

Program Educational Outcomes (PEOs)

Program Outcomes (POs)

PO1: Engineering knowledge:
Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO7: Environment and sustainability:
Understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as comprehending and writing effective reports and design documentation, making effective presentations, and giving and receiving clear instructions.
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change


UG (Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering)

The Department of Mechanical Engineering takes a great pride in turning out successful technocrats who can tender their best service with boundless competence and untiring dynamism. The Department is proud to produce Anna University rank holders every year. Anna University verification committee has awarded third rank to the Department for the best infrastructure facilities available among 225 self-financing colleges for the year 2008. The faculty members and students are regularly engaged in presenting and publishing papers in National and International Journals and Conferences. Research works are being carried out in Thermal Engineering laboratory on ‘Utilization of Plastic Fuel in IC engines’ and ‘Pollution Control in Automobiles’. Also, consultancy works are being carried out in Strength of Materials Laboratory to the industries situated nearby the Institution. The Department regularly applies and receives fund from AICTE, DST and CSIR for projects and seminars. The mission of the Department is to promote academic excellence, widen intellectual horizon and inculcate high ideals for the overall personality development of the students and thereby enhance the image of Mechanical Engineers in the Society. Guest lectures and industrial visits are arranged regularly to students for up-gradation of knowledge on latest technologies available in the market on the thrust areas like Manufacturing, Design, Thermal, CAD, CAM, CIM, etc. The students are encouraged for all round excellence in all non-scholastic activities.

PG (M.E – Engineering Design)

The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers a Post Graduate course on M.E (Engineering Design). The PG Program was started in the year 2004 with team of highly qualified, dedicated and motivated faculty members as well as with well equipped laboratories. The Department is privileged to produce a Gold Medal list in ME (Engineering Design) during the year 2012. The field of Engineering Design encompasses many exciting subjects such as Robotics, Finite Element Analysis, Advance Mechanism Design, Product Optimization, Integrated Manufacturing System, and Mechanical Vibration.

Power Electronic Circuits Laboratory


  • To provide an insight on the switching behaviors of power electronic switches
  • To make the students familiar with the digital tools used in generation of gate Pulses for the power electronic switches
  • To make the students capable of implementing analog interfacing as well as Control circuits used in a closed-loop control for power electronic system
  • To make the students acquire knowledge on mathematical modeling of power Electronic circuits and implementing the same using simulation tools
  • To facilitate the students to design and fabricate a power converter circuits at Appreciable voltage/power levels
  • To develop skills on PCB design and fabrication among the students.

List of Experiments

  • Study of switching characteristics of Power electronic switches with and without Snubber (i) IGBT (ii) MOSFET
  • Modeling and system simulation of basic electric circuits using MATLABSIMULINK/ SCILAB
  • DC source fed resistive load and Resistive-inductive load
  • DC source fed RLC load for different damping conditions
  • DC source fed DC motor load
  • Modeling and System simulation of basic power electronic circuits using MATLAB-SIMULINK/SCILAB
  • AC Source with Single Diode fed Resistive and Resistive-Inductive Load
  • AC source with Single SCR fed Resistive and Resistive-Inductive Load
  • Modeling and System Simulation of SCR based full converter with different types of load using MATLAB-Simulink/SCILAB
  • Full converter fed resistive load
  • Full converter fed Resistive-Back Emf (RE) load at different firing angles
  • Full Converter fed Resistive-Inductive Load at different firing angles
  • Full converter fed DC motor load at different firing angles
  • Circuit Simulation of Voltage Source Inverter and study of spectrum analysis with and without filter using MATLAB/SCILAB
  • Single phase square wave inverter
  • Three phase sine PWM inverter
  • Generation of PWM gate pulses with duty cycle control using PWM peripheral of microcontroller ( TI-C2000 family/ PIC18)
  • Duty cycle control from IDE
  • Duty Cycle control using a POT connected to ADC peripheral in a standalone mode
  • Generation of Sine-PWM pulses for a three phase Voltage Source Inverter with control of modulation index using PWM peripheral of microcontroller (TI C2000 family/PIC 18)
  • Design of Driver Circuit using IR2110
  • Design and testing of signal conditioning circuit to interface voltage/current sensor with microcontroller (TI-C2000 family/ PIC18)
  • Interface Hall effect current sensor with microcontroller and display the current waveform in the IDE and validate with actual waveform in DSO
  • Interface Hall effect Voltage sensor with microcontroller and display the current waveform in the IDE and validate with actual waveform in DSO
  • Design of PI controller using OP-AMP
  • Construction and testing of 500 W, 220 V IGBT based Buck converter with control circuit and its performance Evaluation
  • Measurement of Efficiency at different duty cycle with a resistive load
  • Measurement of Efficiency at different duty cycle with a resistive-inductive load
  • PCB design and fabrication of DC power supply using any PCB design software (open source- KiCAD/students version)

Course Outcomes

  • Comprehensive understanding on the switching behavior of Power Electronic Switches
  • Comprehensive understanding on mathematical modeling of power electronic system and ability to implement the same using simulation tools
  • Ability of the student to use microcontroller and its associated IDE* for power electronic applications
  • Ability of the student to design and implement analog circuits for Power electronic control applications
  • Ability to design and fabricate a power converter circuit at an reasonable power level
  • Exposure to PCB designing and fabrication
  • IDE – Integrate Development Environment (Code Composer Studio for Texas
  • Instrument/MPLAB for PIC microcontrollers etc)

Electrical Drives Laboratory


  • To impart the theoretical and practical knowledge on
  • To design and analyse the various DC and AC drives.
  • To generate the firing pulses for converters and inverters using digital processors
  • Design of controllers for linear and nonlinear systems
  • Implementation of closed loop system using hardware simulation

List of Experiments

  • Speed control of Converter fed DC motor.
  • Speed control of Chopper fed DC motor.
  • V/f control of three-phase induction motor.
  • Micro controller based speed control of Stepper motor.
  • Speed control of BLDC motor.
  • DSP based speed control of SRM motor.
  • Voltage Regulation of three-phase Synchronous Generator.
  • Cycloconverter fed Induction motor drives
  • Single phase Multi Level Inverter based induction motor drive
  • Study of power quality analyzer

Course Outcomes

  • Ability to simulate different types of machines, converters in a system.
  • Analyze the performance of various electric drive systems.
  • Ability to perform both hardware and software simulation.

Product Design and Reverse Engineering

The Department of Mechanical Engineering organized Workshop on the topic of “Product Design and Reverse Engineering’’ on 3rd October 2023. This workshop has been conducted to improve skills of students in the field of Product Design and Reverse Engineering
The Department of Mechanical Engineering organized a one Day Webinar on “Mechatronics’’ programme on 30th September 2023. During this program chief guest gave lecture on latest trends on Mechatronics Engineering.

Industrial Visit

The Department of Mechanical Engineering organized a one Day Webinar on “Mechatronics’’ programme on 30th September 2023. During this program chief guest gave lecture on latest trends on Mechatronics Engineering.

Internal Symposium

The Dr. S. Senthil, Principal, MEC honouring Dr.A.Gnanamoorthy, Assistant Professor, University College of Engineering Villupuram during the Internal Symposium

The Department of Mechanical Engineering organized a one-day Internal Symposium on 17 Mar 2016. The program was inaugurated by Dr.A.Gnanamoorthy, Assistant Professor, University College of Engineering (Villupuram campus). He delivered the inaugural address as well.

Research & Development
Our college management has sanctioned Rs.20,OOO for the R&D Division of Mechanical Engineering to teach automation for II Yr Mechanical Engineering students. This money is spent on procuring equipment such as PIR, Bluetooth, ultrasound sensor, Andeno Board, Breed Board, Bosh K.

Guest Lectures
Mr.Suseel Jai Krishnan, Asst. Prof., SA Engineering College, Chennai, gave a guest lecture on “Thermal Engineering” for II Yr students on 12 Apr 2016.

Mr.M.Subaramanian, Asso. Prof., Aditya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore gave a guest lecture on “Design of Transmission System” for III Yr students on 11 Apr 2016.

Dr.S.Suresh Kumar, Asso. Prof., SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, gave a guest lecture on “Finite ElementAnalysis” for III Yr students on 12 Apr 2016.

Staff Activities
Dr.R.Rajappan, Dean and HOD, published a paper titled “Mechanical Design and Development of Agricultural Robot’ in “Intemational Journal of Advancements in Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering” Volume 2: Issue 1 -2015 (pg 94-97) : 23724153]

Dr.R. Rajappan, Dean and HOD, published a paper titled “Buckling Analysis in Uni Directional Glass Epoxy Laminated Plate” in “Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences” (special edition pg 247-255) [ISSN: 0974-2115]-2015

Dr.R. Rajappan, Dean and HOD, published a paper titled “Testing and Analysis of Kenaf Fibre Reinforced Polymer’ in “Joumal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences” Special Issue (pg.270-274) [ISSN: 09742115]-2015

Dr-R. Rajappan, Dean and HOD, published a paper titled “Performance and Emission Characteristics of Vaiable Compression ratio Direct Injection Diesel Engine using Tamanu oil” in “Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences” Special Issue 7: 2015 (pg 40-43) [ISSN: 0974-]

Dr.R. Rajappan, Dean and HOD, published a paper titled “Performance and Emission Characteristics of Variable Compression ratio Direct Injection Diesel Engine using Plastics oil” in “Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences” Special Issue 7: 2015 (pg 4447) [ISSN: 0974-

Dr-R. Rajappan, Dean and HOD, published a paper titled “Ionic liquids: A Green Solvent for the Biosynthesis of MgO Nano particles Using Banana Stem Plant Extract” in “Journal of Nano Engineering and Non Manufacturing” (Vol. 5, pp. 1 7, 2015) [ISSN: 2157-9326]

Mr.P.Saravanan, Asso. Prof., presented a paper titled “Performance Emission and Combustion Characteristics of Single Cylinder 4-Stroke LHR Engine using Plastic oil” in the 3″ International Conference on “Engineering Technology and Science” held at Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram, during 18 – 19 Mar 2016.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)


Staff Activity
Journals Published

Anna University Rank Holders List

1 DEVI R NARMADHA M.E.(PED) 2011-2013 3
2 ASWIN UDHAYA R M.E.(PED) 2011-2013 26
3 SOUBULAKSHMI P M.E.(PED) 2011-2013 40
4 PRIYA R M.E.(PED) 2012-2014 11
5 MANORANJITHA R M.E.(PED) 2012-2014 30
6 SUJITHA D M.E.(PED) 2012-2014 41
7 KRISHNA KUMAR R M.E.(PED) 2012-2014 44
8 DIVYA SRI D M.E.(PED) 2013-2015 5
9 GAJA G. M.E.(PED) 2013-2015 7
10 RAJA N M.E.(PED) 2013-2015 15
11 NAKKEERAN R M.E.(PED) 2013-2015 32
12 KALAIVANI M M.E.(PED) 2014-2016 1
13 NANDHINI B M.E.(PED) 2014-2016 4
14 NARMADHA V M.E.(PED) 2014-2016 5
15 SIVASAKTHI S M.E.(PED) 2014-2016 7
16 ANNASATHIYA S M.E.(PED) 2014-2016 19
17 SHAILAJA T M.E.(PED) 2014-2016 21
18 RAMYA R M.E.(PED) 2014-2016 26
19 SASIREKHA M M.E.(PED) 2014-2016 29
20 SUGANYA A M.E.(PED) 2014-2016 36
21 ARULMOZHI S P M.E.(PED) 2016-2018 4
22 SUSHMITHA C M.E.(PED) 2016-2018 13