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ME Engineering Design

About the Department

The Department of Mechanical Engineering is offering one PG course M.E Engineering Design. The PG Program was started in the year 2004 with team of highly qualified, dedicated and motivated faculty and well-equipped laboratories with facilities for the PG Programme. The field of engineering design encompasses many exciting subjects such as Robotics, Finite Element Analysis, Advance Mechanism Design, Product Optimization, Integrated Manufacturing System, and Mechanical Vibration


We, at Mechanical Engineering Department, endeavour to be the leading choice for the capable and potential students and to be renowned by companies as a foundation of unique Engineers, entrepreneurs and frontrunners.


Value based Education: To prepare the students for becoming successful Engineers by imparting technical education, Research skills and management abilities for the Improvement of their career.

Continual Education: To provide autonomous and involved learning thereby identifying the inimitable talent and cultivate it, according to their requirements to pursue higher education.

Workability: To create employable skill among the students and make them as world-wide challengers in the field of Mechanical Engineering.

Dr.R. Rajappan


Welcome Message

“To be a centre of excellence in the field of Mechanical Engineering where the best of teaching, learning and research synergize”

Welcome to the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Mailam Engineering College, the esteemed & the fastest growing college in Tamilnadu. As Chair of the Department, I take pride in the fact that our department has well qualified faculty and staff members who are available to the students fulltime. A well equipped state of the art laboratory helps the students to keep in pace with the racing technology.

The faculty members in addition to regular teaching are also busy in consultancy services to local industry and Govt. departments, organizing and participating national/international conferences, workshops and seminars, upgradation of laboratories (through college budget and grants from AICTE and other bodies).

The students of Mechanical Engineering have been recruited by renowned companies like Cooper busman, Sundram fasteners Ltd, TCS, Wipro, HCL etc. They have also brought laurels to the department by winning various competitions at national level co-curricular and extracurricular activities like paper presentations, projects, quizzes, sports etc.

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO1: Engineering knowledge:
Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and mechanical engineering to the solution of engineering problems.
Identify, formulate, review literature and analyze mechanical engineering problems to design, conduct experiments, analyze data and interpret data.
Design solution for mechanical engineering problems and design system component of processes that meet the desired needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal and the environmental considerations.
Use research based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions in mechanical engineering

Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to mechanical engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to mechanical engineering practice.

PO7: Environment and sustainability:

Understand the impact of the mechanical engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge and need for sustainable development.

Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the mechanical engineering practice.

Function affectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings in mechanical engineering.

engineering activities with the engineering committee and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write affective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations in mechanical engineering.

Demonstrate knowledge &understanding of the mechanical engineering principles and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments in mechanical engineering.

Recognize the need for, and the preparation and ability to engage in independent research and lifelong learning in the broadest contest of technological changes in mechanical engineering.

Program Educational Outcomes (PEOs)


UG (Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering)

The Department of Mechanical Engineering takes a great pride in turning out successful technocrats who can tender their best service with boundless competence and untiring dynamism. The Department is proud to produce Anna University rank holders every year. Anna University verification committee has awarded third rank to the Department for the best infrastructure facilities available among 225 self-financing colleges for the year 2008. The faculty members and students are regularly engaged in presenting and publishing papers in National and International Journals and Conferences. Research works are being carried out in Thermal Engineering laboratory on ‘Utilization of Plastic Fuel in IC engines’ and ‘Pollution Control in Automobiles’. Also, consultancy works are being carried out in Strength of Materials Laboratory to the industries situated nearby the Institution. The Department regularly applies and receives fund from AICTE, DST and CSIR for projects and seminars. The mission of the Department is to promote academic excellence, widen intellectual horizon and inculcate high ideals for the overall personality development of the students and thereby enhance the image of Mechanical Engineers in the Society. Guest lectures and industrial visits are arranged regularly to students for up-gradation of knowledge on latest technologies available in the market on the thrust areas like Manufacturing, Design, Thermal, CAD, CAM, CIM, etc. The students are encouraged for all round excellence in all non-scholastic activities.

PG (M.E – Engineering Design)

The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers a Post Graduate course on M.E (Engineering Design). The PG Program was started in the year 2004 with team of highly qualified, dedicated and motivated faculty members as well as with well equipped laboratories. The Department is privileged to produce a Gold Medal list in ME (Engineering Design) during the year 2012. The field of Engineering Design encompasses many exciting subjects such as Robotics, Finite Element Analysis, Advance Mechanism Design, Product Optimization, Integrated Manufacturing System, and Mechanical Vibration.

CAD Laboratory

Sl. No. Description of Equipment
1 Computer Server
2 Computer nodes or systems (High end CPU with at least 1 GB main memory) networked to the server
3 A3 size plotter
4 Laser Printer
5 Trainer CNC Lathe
6 Trainer CNC milling
7 CAD software (Pro-E or IDEAS or Unigraphics or CATIA)
8 CAM Software (CNC Programming and tool path simulation for FANUC /Sinumeric and Hidden controller)
9 Licensed operating system

Computer Aided Simulation and Analysis

A. Simulation

  • Simulation of Air conditioning system with condenser temperature and evaporator
  • Temperatures as input to get COP using C /MAT Lab.
  • Simulation of Hydraulic / Pneumatic cylinder using C / MAT Lab.
  • Simulation of cam and follower mechanism using C / MAT Lab.

B. Analysis (Simple Treatment Only)

  • Stress analysis of a plate with a circular hole.
  • Stress analysis of rectangular L bracket
  • Stress analysis of an axi-symmetric component
  • Stress analysis of beams (Cantilever, Simply supported, fixed ends)
  • Mode frequency analysis of a 2 D component
  • Mode frequency analysis of beams (Cantilever, Simply supported, fixed ends)
  • Harmonic analysis of a 2D component
  • Thermal stress analysis of a 2D component
  • Conductive heat transfer analysis of a 2D component
  • Convective heat transfer analysis of a 2D component

Product Design and Reverse Engineering

The Department of Mechanical Engineering organized Workshop on the topic of “Product Design and Reverse Engineering’’ on 3rd October 2023. This workshop has been conducted to improve skills of students in the field of Product Design and Reverse Engineering
The Department of Mechanical Engineering organized a one Day Webinar on “Mechatronics’’ programme on 30th September 2023. During this program chief guest gave lecture on latest trends on Mechatronics Engineering.

Industrial Visit

The Department of Mechanical Engineering organized a one Day Webinar on “Mechatronics’’ programme on 30th September 2023. During this program chief guest gave lecture on latest trends on Mechatronics Engineering.

Internal Symposium

The Dr. S. Senthil, Principal, MEC honouring Dr.A.Gnanamoorthy, Assistant Professor, University College of Engineering Villupuram during the Internal Symposium

The Department of Mechanical Engineering organized a one-day Internal Symposium on 17 Mar 2016. The program was inaugurated by Dr.A.Gnanamoorthy, Assistant Professor, University College of Engineering (Villupuram campus). He delivered the inaugural address as well.

Research & Development
Our college management has sanctioned Rs.20,OOO for the R&D Division of Mechanical Engineering to teach automation for II Yr Mechanical Engineering students. This money is spent on procuring equipment such as PIR, Bluetooth, ultrasound sensor, Andeno Board, Breed Board, Bosh K.

Guest Lectures
Mr.Suseel Jai Krishnan, Asst. Prof., SA Engineering College, Chennai, gave a guest lecture on “Thermal Engineering” for II Yr students on 12 Apr 2016.

Mr.M.Subaramanian, Asso. Prof., Aditya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore gave a guest lecture on “Design of Transmission System” for III Yr students on 11 Apr 2016.

Dr.S.Suresh Kumar, Asso. Prof., SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, gave a guest lecture on “Finite ElementAnalysis” for III Yr students on 12 Apr 2016.

Staff Activities
Dr.R.Rajappan, Dean and HOD, published a paper titled “Mechanical Design and Development of Agricultural Robot’ in “Intemational Journal of Advancements in Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering” Volume 2: Issue 1 -2015 (pg 94-97) : 23724153]

Dr.R. Rajappan, Dean and HOD, published a paper titled “Buckling Analysis in Uni Directional Glass Epoxy Laminated Plate” in “Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences” (special edition pg 247-255) [ISSN: 0974-2115]-2015

Dr.R. Rajappan, Dean and HOD, published a paper titled “Testing and Analysis of Kenaf Fibre Reinforced Polymer’ in “Joumal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences” Special Issue (pg.270-274) [ISSN: 09742115]-2015

Dr-R. Rajappan, Dean and HOD, published a paper titled “Performance and Emission Characteristics of Vaiable Compression ratio Direct Injection Diesel Engine using Tamanu oil” in “Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences” Special Issue 7: 2015 (pg 40-43) [ISSN: 0974-]

Dr.R. Rajappan, Dean and HOD, published a paper titled “Performance and Emission Characteristics of Variable Compression ratio Direct Injection Diesel Engine using Plastics oil” in “Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences” Special Issue 7: 2015 (pg 4447) [ISSN: 0974-

Dr-R. Rajappan, Dean and HOD, published a paper titled “Ionic liquids: A Green Solvent for the Biosynthesis of MgO Nano particles Using Banana Stem Plant Extract” in “Journal of Nano Engineering and Non Manufacturing” (Vol. 5, pp. 1 7, 2015) [ISSN: 2157-9326]

Mr.P.Saravanan, Asso. Prof., presented a paper titled “Performance Emission and Combustion Characteristics of Single Cylinder 4-Stroke LHR Engine using Plastic oil” in the 3″ International Conference on “Engineering Technology and Science” held at Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram, during 18 – 19 Mar 2016.

R&D Activity

  • CSIR grant is applied for National Seminar on “Modern Machining Process on Composite Material”.
  • For Two days national seminar on “Advanced Green Energy Technologies”, received a grant of Rs 25000.
  • CSIR grant is applied for National Seminar on “Recent Manufacturing Process on Metal Matrix Composite materials”.
  • Research & Development project was applied to DRDO grant on the title “Optimization and Analysis of Plastic Fuel in 4- Stroke IC engine” amount for Rs 63, 00,000.
  • Patent Applied for the title “Gas Molecular Precipitator” (GMP).The Application Number 4429/CHE/2011.
  • Patent Applied for the title “Windmill Power Generation using Multi-Generator and Single Rotor”. The Application Number 1160/CHE/2011.
  • Patent Applied for the title “Removal of CFC and HCL using Gas Molecular Precipitator (GMP)”.The Application Number 2368/CHE/2011.
  • Vertical Load test of bottles is conducted in Strength of Materials lab for Hindustan National Glass & Industries Ltd.

Staff Activity
Journals Published

Anna University Rank Holders List

1 SUBRAMANIAN M M.E. (E.D.) 2004-2006 4
2 VIJAYARAJ G M.E. (E.D.) 2004-2006 4
3 ARULJEYAKUMAR A M.E. (E.D.) 2009-2011 1
4 MANIVANNAN M M.E. (E.D.) 2012-2014 1
5 MUTHUKUMARAN K M.E. (E.D.) 2012-2014 5
6 MANICKAVELU S M.E. (E.D.) 2012-2014 13
7 RAMRAJ K M.E. (E.D.) 2012-2014 15
8 PARAMADHAYALAN P M.E. (E.D.) 2013-2015 8
9 PURUSHOTHAMAN S M.E. (E.D.) 2013-2015 18
10 GOWRI SANKAR R M.E. (E.D.) 2013-2015 20
11 GURUNATHAN G M.E. (E.D.) 2013-2015 21
12 SUGANTHI A M.E. (E.D.) 2014-2016 1
13 SUGUMARAN J M.E. (E.D.) 2014-2016 9
14 JAYARAM J M.E. (E.D.) 2014-2016 12
15 SIVAKUMAR R M.E. (E.D.) 2014-2016 12
16 RAMESH K M.E. (E.D.) 2014-2016 13
17 SIVASAKTHI VELAN S M.E. (E.D.) 2015-2017 5
18 PANTHALRAJAN R M.E. (E.D.) 2016-2018 9
19 SATHISH T M.E. (E.D.) 2016-2018 10
20 ARUL PRAKASH E M.E. (E.D.) 2018-2020 1
21 ELANGKEERAN N M.E. (E.D.) 2020-2022 1