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Top Universities in India


India has the most engineering colleges in the world and it produces the most number of engineering students taking any year into consideration. India did not achieve this in one day. It took more than 25 years of continuous development. Various initiation and development fund from government towards developing engineering colleges in India is also a reason.

Demand for Engineers

Students opting for engineering, global acceptance of Indians as fine working people and growing global demand for engineering also played a huge role in this boom in India. India in the last 25 years has seen an exponential development in its education system and more and more people opting for higher studies is one reason for it.

This continuous development of number of educated population has made India a favorable place for many multi nation organizations to grow them self in India. For the past 20 years this availability of technically talented work population of engineers has played a vital role in the development of Indian economy.

Selecting a Engineering University or college

Selecting an engineering college or university in India is not as simple as it is in other nations. Given the huge population and a large number of options to choose from, soon the task of pinpointing may become very complicated.

In India the process of selecting an engineering college and university starts from the academic score. The higher the score you have secured, the higher the chances of getting into one of the top university. But that is not that simple when you bring in the role of demographic location and the stream of engineering program one aspires to get into.

The massive population in India means a massive a number of students finishing their high school every year. This means a massive number of students competing to get into the top engineering college. This high demand leads to a very competitive situation to get an engineering seat in a top university.

The education system of India plays a vital role in strictly monitoring and controlling the selection process so that malpractice to enter any engineering college is out of question. This is the reason a huge number of other national students choose to study their engineering degree in India.

The top universities in India

  • Indian Institute of Science
  • Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
  • Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
  • Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
  • Banaras Hindu University
  • Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
  • Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai
  • Amrita University
  • Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur