Pongal Celebration -2025                No.1 in placement ranking among Engineering Colleges of Tamilnadu                Celebrating 25 Years Silver Jubilee Fiesta                B.E Admission 2025               M.E Admission 2025               MBA Admission 2025               MCA Admission 2025               Download Prospectus

Engineering Admission Detail

Highlights of

Mailam Engineering College

Mailam Engineering College (MEC), a self financing institution was established in 1998, in Villupuram district. The college is approved by AICTE, New Delhi and affiliated to Anna University, Chennai. The college offers 8 Undergraduate Courses and 6 Postgraduate Courses. The college is built in a sprawling campus of 50 acres.

  • Approved by AICTE, New Delhi and Permanently affiliated to Anna University, Chennai
  • Accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi
  • The only college Accredited by TATA Consultancy Services (TCS) in Villupuram, Cuddalore and Tiruvannamalai Districts
  • 86% Placement Record in 2020-2021 with highest salary of 33 lakhs/Annum continues
  • 108+ Reputed recruiters (including Zoho, Comcast, Hawkins, Infosys, TCS, TCS Digital, Tech Mahindra, ATOS Sontel, Renault Nissan, Paypal, Juspay, CTS, Wipro, L&T, HCL, Accenture, MRF, Axis Bank, ICICI Bank, Future Generali, Just Dial, etc.) with highest salary of Rs. 33 Lakhs / annum
  • 50 University Rank Holders and 5 Gold Medals as per the Rank Holders List of Anna university for the last 8 years
  • Anna University Overall Sports Championship Award (Zone V) for the fifth time successively with 8 Trophies and 91 Medals during the academic year 2020-21
  • Weekly 2 Hrs allotted for Sports and R & D
  • Mailam Engineering College is recognised in the “Band Performer” under the category “Colleges / Institutes (Private / self Financed) (Technical)” in Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievement(ARIIA) 2021 a flagship program of the Ministry of Education, Government of India,29th December 2021
  • 194th Rank among all the Engineering Colleges throughout the Nation and 37th Rank in Tamil Nadu as per the Rank List “Best Colleges 2021” published by the most prestigious magazine “India Today”
  • 50th Position among 465 Engineering College in Tamil Nadu as per Anna University Rank List Nov/Dec 2022
  • Scholarships to the tune of more than one Crore sanctioned to Meritorious students in the past four years
  • 43 Research Patents filed
  • Students Counselling Cell for psychological well being and imparting ethical values among students


Post-Matric Scholarship :

(SC/ST/SCA/Converted Christian Students) - Tuition Fees Free


1. Annual Income Upto 2.5lakhs for SC/ST/SCA – ( Income Certificate Validity 6 Months) 

For Converted Christian (BC) Income Slab upto `2 Lakhs (For Govt & Management – Students are eligible to apply)

Higher Educational Scholarship For Sc/st/sa/converted Christian as Higher Educational Scholarship For SC/ST/SA/converted Christians


  1. Hostel Student.
  2. Annual Income Upto ` 2.5 lakhs for SC/ST/SA – For Converted Christian (BC) Income Slab upto `2 Lakhs (For Govt & Management – Students are eligible to apply)
For Converted Christian (BC) Income Slab upto `2 Lakhs (For Govt & Management – Students are eligible to apply)

Central Sector Scheme Scholarship


For Fresh

  1. Passed on H.Sc., with 960 / 1200 (80%)
  2. Annual Income Upto 5 lakhs.
  3. Students availing any other Scholarship would be eligible.
  4. Scholarship is awarded on merit basis only.

For Renewal

  1. Nil Arrear Students with minimum of 60% marks.
  2. Attendance Percentage of above 75%
  3. Students not availing any other Scholarship should be eligible.
  4. Scholarship is awarded on merit basis only.

Minority Scholarship: (Christian,Muslim,Sikh,Buddhist & Parsi)


  1. Annual Income Upto ` 2 lakhs.
  2. Students who are availing First graduate concession are not eligible.
  3. Nil Arrear Students with minimum of 50% marks.
  4. Scholarship is awarded on merit basis only.

BC/MBC Scholarship


Annual Income Upto ` 2 lakhs (For Govt Students only eligible to apply)

Note: All the Scholarship Amounts are credited through student Bank Account only Except for Tuition Fees.

Fee Structure For The Academic Year 2023-24

Only Government Fee for all the Programme

UG Course
B.E / B.Tech. (for First Year & Lateral Entry) Rs. 50,000/- Per Year
PG Course
MCA (for First Year & Lateral Entry) Rs. 17,500/- Per Semester
MBA Rs. 17,500/- Per Semester
M.E. Rs. 50,000/- Per Year

Anna University Counselling Procedure:

Details of Examination Fees

UG Course
TheoryRs.225/-per subject
PracticalRs.225/-per practical
Project & Viva-voceRs.450/-
PG Course
TheoryRs.650/-per subject
PracticalRs.650/-per practical
Project & Viva-voceRs.900/-


A candidate can apply for revaluation of his/her semester examination answer paper in a theory course, within 2 weeks from the declaration of results, on payment of a prescribed fee through proper application to the Controller of Examinations through the Head of the Institution. A candidate can apply for revaluation of answer scripts for not exceeding 5 subjects at a time. The Controller of Examination will arrange for the revaluation and the results will be intimated to the candidate concerned through the Head of the Institution. Revaluation is not permitted for practical courses, seminars, practical training and for project work.

Revaluation Fees Details:

  1. Photocopy Rs.300/-per paper
  2. Revaluation Rs.400/-per paper


Incase the revaluation results are delayed, the candidates need not wait for the same and should apply for all subjects and pay the examination fees before the due date. After publication of revaluation results, subjects passed by the candidates will be deleted by the University while issuing Hall Tickets to the candidates.

Procedure for awarding internal assessment marks minimize

For all theory and practical courses the continuous assessment shall be for a maximum of 20 marks (consisting of 15 marks for tests/experiments and 5 marks for attendance). The above continuous assessment shall be awarded as per the procedure given below:

  1. Theory Courses

    Three tests each carrying 100 marks shall be conducted during the semester by the Department / College concerned. The total marks obtained in all tests put together out of 300, shall be proportionately reduced for 15 marks and rounded to the nearest integer (This also implies equal weightage to all the three tests).

  2. Practical Courses

    Every practical exercise / experiment shall be evaluated based on the exercise / experiment prescribed as per the syllabi and the records of work done maintained. There shall be at least one test during the semester. The criteria for arriving at the internal assessment marks (15 marks) shall be decided based on the recommendation of the class committee and shall be announced at the beginning of every semester by the Principal.

  3. Internal Assessment for Theory Courses with Laboratory Component

    The maximum marks for Internal Assessment shall be 15 in case of theory courses with Laboratory component.

    If there is a theory course with Laboratory component, there shall be three tests: the first two tests (each 100 marks) will be from theory portions and the third test (maximum mark 100) will be for laboratory component. The sum of marks of first two tests shall be reduced to 30 marks and the third test mark shall be reduced to 30 marks. The sum of these 60 marks may then be arrived at for 15 and rounded to the nearest integer.

Project Work

The Principal shall constitute a review committee for each branch of study. There shall be three reviews (each 100 Marks) during the semester by the review committee. The student shall make presentation on the progress made by him / her before the committee. The total marks obtained in the three reviews shall be reduced for 15 marks and rounded to the nearest integer. (This also implies equal weightage to all the three assessments), 5 marks shall be given for Attendance.

The project report shall carry a maximum 30 marks (same mark shall be awarded for the report submitted to every student within the project group) while the viva-voce examination shall carry 50 marks. (Marks are awarded to each student of the project group based on the individual performance in the viva-voce examination).

Attendance Review I Review II Review III End semester Examinations
Thesis Submission (30) Viva-Voce (50)
Internal External Internal External Guide
5 5 5 5 15 15 16.66 16.66 16.66


The remaining 5 marks for attendance shall be awarded as given below

Theory and Practical courses and Project Work
  • 76% to 80% of attendance – 1 mark
  • 81% to 85% of attendance – 2 marks
  • 86% to 90% of attendance – 3 marks
  • 91% to 95% of attendance – 4 marks
  • 96% to 100% of attendance -5 marks

Every teacher is required to maintain an ‘ATTENDANCE AND ASSESSMENT RECORD’ which consists of attendance marked in each lecture or practical or project work class, the test marks and the record of class work (topic covered), separately for each course. This should be submitted to the Head of the department periodically (at least three times in a semester) for checking the syllabus coverage and the records of test marks and attendance. The Head of the department will put his signature and date after due verification. At the end of the semester, the record should be verified by the Principal who will keep this document in safe custody (for five years). The University or any inspection team appointed by the University may inspect the records of attendance and assessment of both current and previous semesters.

System of Examination Minimize

Performance in each course of study shall be evaluated based on (i) continuous internal assessment throughout the semester and (ii) University examination at the end of the semester.

Each course, both theory and practical (including project work & Viva voce Examinations) shall be evaluated for a maximum of 100 marks. The project work shall be evaluated for a maximum of 100 marks.

For all theory and practical courses including project work, the continuous internal assessment will carry 20 marks while the End Semester University examination will carry 80 marks.,

Project work may be allotted to a single student or to a group of students not exceeding 4 per group.

The University examination (theory and practical) of 3 hours duration shall ordinarily be conducted between October and December during the odd semesters and between April and June during the even semesters.

The University examination for project work shall consist of evaluation of the final report submitted by the student or students of the project group (of not exceeding 4 students) by an external examiner followed by a viva-voce examination conducted separately for each student by a committee consisting of the external examiner, the guide of the project group and an internal examiner.

For the University examination in both theory and practical courses including project work the internal and external examiners shall be appointed by the University.

Issue of mark sheets Minimize

Individual mark sheet for each semester will be issued, containing the following information through the Principal concerned, after the publication of the results.

  1. The college in which the candidate studied.
  2. The marks obtained in each course in internal assessment and University Examination and the total marks obtained for each course.

Whether the candidate has passed/ failed in the course concerned.

Eligibility For The Award of The Degree:

  1. A student shall be declared to be eligible for the award of the Degree if he/she has.
  2. Successfully gained the required number of total credits as specified in the Curriculum corresponding to his/her Programme within the stipulated time.
  3. No disciplinary action is pending against him/her.
  4. Successfully completed the field visit / industrial training, if any, as prescribed in the curriculum.
  5. The award of the degree must be approved by the Syndicate.
  6. Successfully completed any additional courses prescribed by the Director, Academic Courses, whenever any candidate is readmitted under Regulations other than R – 2008.

Classification of The Degree Awarded

  1. A candidate who qualifies for the award of the Degree (vide clause 1) having passed the examination in all the courses in his/her first appearance within the specified minimum number of semesters securing a CGPA of not less than 8.50 shall be declared to have passed the examination in First Class with Distinction. For this purpose the withdrawal from examination (Withdrawal shall not be construed as an appearance for the eligibility of a candidate for First Class with Distinction. This provision is not applicable to those who seek withdrawal during VII semester) will not be construed as an appearance. Further, the authorized break of study (The authorized break of study (for a maximum of one year) will not be counted for the duration specified for passing all the courses for the purpose of classification. However, additional break of study granted will be counted for the purpose of classification) will not be counted for the purpose of classification.
  2. A candidate who qualifies for the award of the Degree (vide clause 1) having passed the examination in all the courses within the specified minimum number of semesters plus one year (two semesters), securing a CGPA of not less than 6.50 shall be declared to have passed the examination in First Class. Further, the authorized break of study (The authorized break of study (for a maximum of one year) will not be counted for the duration specified for passing all the courses for the purpose of classification. However, additional break of study granted will be counted for the purpose of classification) will not be counted for the purpose of classification.
  3. All other candidates (not covered in clauses 2.1 and 2.2) who qualify for the award of the degree (vide Clause 1) shall be declared to have passed the examination in Second Class.
  4. A candidate who is absent in semester examination in a course / project work after having enrolled for the same shall be considered to have appeared in that examination for the purpose of classification.

Provision For Withdrawal From End-semester Examination

  1. A candidate, may for valid reasons and on prior application, be granted permission to withdraw from appearing for the examination of any one course or consecutive examinations of more than one course in a semester examination.
  2. Such withdrawal shall be permitted only once during the entire period of study of the degree programme.
  3. Withdrawal application is valid only if it is made within 10 days prior to the commencement of the examination in that course or courses and recommended by the Head of the Institution and approved by the Controller of Examinations.
    1. Notwithstanding the requirement of mandatory TEN days notice, applications for withdrawal for special cases under extraordinary conditions will be considered on the merit of the case.
  4. Withdrawal shall not be construed as an appearance for the eligibility of a candidate for First Class with Distinction. This provision is not applicable to those who seek withdrawal during VII semester.
  5. Withdrawal from the End semester examination is NOT applicable to arrears subjects of previous semesters
  6. The candidate shall reappear for the withdrawn courses during the examination conducted in the subsequent semester.

General Rules

Individual mark sheet for each semester will be issued, containing the following information through the Principal concerned, after the publication of the results.  
  1. Exchange of greetings with the members of staff in the college and hostel by saying ‘Good Morning’ is highly recommended.
  2. Students are expected to use only courteous and polite language and behave with decorum when talking to the faculty members and the staff of the college and hostel.
  3. Students shall avoid using any insulting, inciting, threatening language when talking with fellow students and should totally avoid violence. Students shall not talk or act in any manner outside the institutions in a way that would bring disrepute to the institutions.
  4. Students shall come clean, tidy and smartly dressed.
  5. Hey shall be regular and punctual in attending classes and all activities connected with the college.
  6. Gathering in groups at roads, entrance, exit, pathways, gardens, etc,.. is strictly prohibited.
  7. On entering the class, they shall observe strict silence, irrespective of the presence or absence of the teacher.
  8. They shall get up quietly as the teacher enters the class and keep standing till the latter sits or asks them to be seated.
  9. No student is permitted to leave the class room during class hours.
  10. Students should not leave the class or attend it late under the pretext of paying fees or taking books from libraries. Time fixed for such purposes during working hours must be strictly followed.
  11. Students are expected to read notices/circulars displayed on the college notice board. Ignorance of not reading any notice/circular thus displayed shall not be accepted as an excuse failing to comply with the directions contained in it.
  12. All vehicles should be parked in the allotted place. Vehicles found parked in unauthorized places shall be impounded.
  13. While attending college functions, the students will conduct themselves in such a way as to bring credit to themselves and to the institution.
  14. Students will promptly stand to solemn attention when prayer or National Anthem is being played in the function.
  15. Spitting, smoking and throwing bits of paper inside the college campus are harmful and must be avoided.
  16. Students are forbidden from entering the college office and the staff rooms during unspecified hours.
  17. Students are prohibited from damaging the building or furniture in any way. The cost of any damage so caused will be recovered from the students collectively if the responsibility for it cannot be fixed on any individual or group of individuals.
  18. Representation of complaints and grievances may be made individually to the principal through the Head of the Department.
  19. Students are strictly forbidden from engaging themselves in any political or other movement.
  20. No meeting of any kind shall be held in the college premises without the written permission of the principal.
  21. No notice of any kind shall be circulated among students or displayed on black boards or on notice board without the written permission of the principal. No information or report should be sent to press or board casting agencies without the permission and approval of the principal.
  22. The principal will deal with students who play a leading part by organizing or otherwise assign activity in strikes.
  23. The principal’s decision shall be the final in all matters of punishment of the students for violation of any of the rules and regulations of the college.
  24. If a student leaves the college after two months from the date of commencement of the classes, he/she shall have no right to claim remission of any portion of the term fees.
  25. Help to maintain the beauty, serenity and greenery of the campus.
  26. Avail the dust bin facility.
  27. Pasting of wall posters, writing on walls and roads are prohibited.
  28. Although the university prescribes a minimum of 75% of attendance, the college insists on regular attendance in all classes. (minimum 90%)
Whether the candidate has passed/ failed in the course concerned.

Admission Procedure

Directorate of technical education:
Chennai 600 025

Circular no. 574 / ECA1 / 2012, dated: 30.4.2012

Admission to first year B.E / B.Tech. Courses

Minimum Eligibility Marks

Minimum Eligibility Marks as per G.O. (St.) No.151, Higher Education (J2) Department, dated: 14.6.2010. A. Candidates of HSC (Academic) and Other Equivalent Examinations.

Sl.NoCommunityA Pass with Minimum average marks in
Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry put
1General Category45.00%
2Backward Class including Backward Class Muslim40.00%
3MBC & DNC40.00%
4SC / SCA / ST40.00%

B.Candidates of HSC (Vocational)

Minimum Eligibility Marks: Minimum Eligibility Marks as per G.O. (St.) No.151, Higher Education (J2) Department, dated: 14.6.2010. A. Candidates of HSC (Academic) and Other Equivalent Examinations.

Sl.NoCommunityA Pass with Minimum average No.marks
in any one of Related Subjects (Maths or
Physics or Chemistry), Vocational
Theory and Practicals put together
1General Category45.00%
2Backward Class including Backward Class Muslim40.00%
3MBC & DNC40.00%
4SC / SCA / ST40.00%


When the candidates produce grade certificates, they have to produce the actual marks also otherwise only the minimum marks applicable to the grades in the eligible subjects (Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry) shall be taken into account.

Rounding off of Minimum Eligibility Marks

Rounding off of minimum eligibility marks is not permitted.

Improvement Marks

As per G.O. (Ms.) No.184, Higher Education (J2) Department, Dated:9.6.2005 and G.O. (St.) No.143, Higher Education (J2) Department, Dated: 6.5.2008 – improvement marks obtained by the candidates from any Board from 2006 onwards shall not be considered.


  1. Candidates claiming as belonging to Tamil Nadu will be considered under the respective community on production of necessary Community Certificate, provided they have qualified +2 in Tamil Nadu. Such candidates should fulfill the minimum eligibility marks.
  2. Candidates claiming Nativity of Tamil Nadu but qualified +2 in other State (including Puducherry) should produce the Nativity Certificate along with the Community Certificate for consideration under the respective community. Such candidates should fulfill the minimum eligibility marks.
  3. Candidates belonging to “Other State” including Puducherry with Indian Nationality are eligible and treated as “OC” and such candidates should obtain the minimum eligibility marks prescribed for “OC”.

Community Certificate

Tamil Nadu Native candidates who do not produce Community certificate will be treated as “OC”. They should have obtained minimum marks prescribed for “OC” candidates.

Calculation of Minimum Eligibility Marks (Other Boards)

If the +2 mark sheets issued by other Boards incorporate both 10+1 and 10+2



Department R-2017 R-2021
B.E. Civil Engineering Syllabus Syllabus
B.E. Computer Science & Engineering Syllabus Syllabus
B.E. Electrical & Electronics Engineering Syllabus Syllabus
B.E. Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus Syllabus
B.E. Mechanical Engineering Syllabus Syllabus
B.Tech. Information Technology Syllabus Syllabus
B.Tech. Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Syllabus
B.Tech. Computer Science and Business Systems Syllabus
Department R-2021
M.E. Engineering Design Syllabus
M.E. Computer Science and Engineering Syllabus
M.E. Power Electronics and Drives Syllabus
M.E. Communication Systems Syllabus
M.B.A – Master of Business Administration Syllabus
MCA -Master of Computer Application Syllabus

Sanctioned Intake

Under Graduate Courses:(Four Years)

B.E. Mechanical Engineering120 seats
B.E. Electrical & Electronics Engineering60 seats
B.E. Electronics & Communication Engineering180 seats
B.E. Computer Science & Engineering180 seats
B.E. Civil Engineering60 seats
B.Tech. Information Technology120 seats
B.Tech. Artificial Intelligence and Data Science60 seats
B.Tech. Computer Science and Business Systems60 seats

Post Graduate Courses:(Two Years)

M.E. Engineering Design18 seats
M.E. Computer Science and Engineering24 seats
M.E. Power Electronics and Drives24 seats
M.E. Communication Systems18 seats
M.B.A M- Master of Business Administration120 seats
MCA -Master of Computer Application60 seats

Admission Enquiry 2024



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